Statistical Consulting Center - Submission of Request

To schedule your first appointment with the Statistical Consulting Center (it would be appreciated if the appointment could be scheduled at least two business days in advance):

  • Complete this online Service Request Form below
  • Send the recommended documents to

Follow-up communications will be done in person, e-mail, or phone

External Clients

Statistical consulting is also available for clients outside the University on a fee-for-service basis.  Please complete the same online Service Request Form (below), and someone will contact you with further information on options and rates.

If you are seeking advice on design and data analyses of your study, please email any of the following relevant documents to

  • Abstract of the proposal and/or a clear statement of the purpose of the project
  • A list of research questions to be answered
  • Copies of relevant articles and earlier work on similar topics in the discipline

If you are seeking advice on data analyses or report writing after data collection, in addition to the above items, the following documents are also needed:

  • A copy of the project, if available
  • A sample of the data sheet
  • An electronic copy of the complete data set (in the format of SPSS, SAS, R, Minitab or Microsoft Excel) if available
  • Results of preliminary analyses performed, if available
Your Status
Have you used the CSS before?
What computer packages do you plan to use?
How did you find out about the SCC?
Preferred appointment day
Preferred appointment time