M.S. in Neuroscience
Most of our graduates have pursued careers in biomedical research or in the medical/allied health professions. Others have pursued careers in industry (biotech firms and pharmaceutical companies), government (NIH), law, the insurance industry, and education (professors, career counselors).
All materials must be submitted by the deadline for an application to be considered. See additional instructions further below for the Accelerated MS program application.
Complete the graduate application form online and submit the following required materials.
If you have any questions, please email NSC@cmich.edu.
For the Accelerated MS program, consider which track you wish to follow: Plan A (thesis) or Plan B. This will help determine your NSC graduate advisor and your course plan. Instructions about the application process are provided at https://www.cmich.edu/offices-departments/office-research-graduate-studies/graduate-studies/accelerated-masters-degree-program along with the Acknowledgement and Approval form you will discuss and complete electronically with your NSC graduate advisor.