Neuroscience student resources

Academic support

  • For general advice about tutoring or classes in the first 2 years of the Neuroscience major, visit the CSE Student Success Center.
  • Major maps with suggested courses each semester (for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 Bulletin years) are here: NSC - Neuroscience Major Map Cellular Molecular, NSC - Neuroscience Major Map Clinical Health.
  • To sign your major, get more specialized advice about planning classes, or advice on preparing for a career, visit the Neuroscience Faculty Advisor who corresponds with your last name in the list below.
  • If you have previously met with a Neuroscience Faculty Advisor, continue seeing the same person for advising, regardless of your last name.
  • If you are also pre-med, see Dr. Steinhilb or Dr. Sabo.
  • If you are also pre-PA, see Dr. Damer.

Faculty advisor list

Last names A-C: Cynthia Damer

Last names D-F: Gary Dunbar

Last names G-J: Yannick Marchalant

Last names K-M: Kevin Park

Last names N-P: Shasta Sabo

Last names Q-U: Michael Sandstrom

Last names V-Z: Michelle Steinhilb

Financial support

Financial aid advisors are available to meet with you in the Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid.

Neuroscience forms