Student Success Center
Success center appointments
We provide academic advising and success coaching to all CSE majors and minors. As a CMU Chippewa, you'll be assigned an academic advisor who will work with you from Orientation through Graduation.
We help with:
- Degree planning.
- Connecting with faculty.
- Career services.
- Finding tutoring services.
We meet with students in person, virtually, and by phone.
- Hours: M-F 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment
- Prospective Students Email:
- Current Students Email:
Frequently asked questions
If I visit an academic advisor in the CSE Student Success Center, do I still have to see my faculty advisor?
CSE Student Success Center academic advisors will help you with your major map but you will still need a faculty advisor to declare your major. Also, it is helpful to have a relationship with an expert in the field of your interest.
Can my parents talk to my academic advisor?
Advisors are limited about what information can be shared with parents due to federal laws.
What should I bring to my appointment with a Student Success Center academic advisor?
Come prepared by bringing a copy of your Bulletin and orientation documentation (for transfer students only). We recommend that you keep copies of all forms and documents for your records.
How often should I meet with an academic advisor?
You should meet with an academic advisor (either one in the CSE Student Success Center or your faculty advisor) at least once a semester to discuss your plans and to make sure you are on-track to graduate in a timely fashion.
How do I declare my major(s) and/or minor(s)?
You need to officially declare your major by the time you have 56 credit hours. You should contact your faculty advisor to schedule a time for filling out the online major form.
I have questions about majors or career options. Can an advisor in the CSE Student Success Center help me?
Yes! If you are undecided but are leaning towards a science- or technology-related career, we can help you find the right major and career path for you. Please come see us!
Can I get help from the CSE Student Success Center for post-graduate applications?
Absolutely. We can help you write your resume and prepare for interviews.