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College of Science and Engineering Awards Submission Form

We are excited to announce the 2025 CSE Outstanding Teaching, Research, and Service Awards and invite nominations from faculty, staff, students, and alumni. These awards have been updated to be more inclusive and reflective of CSE’s core values, recognizing excellence across our community.

Award Categories & Eligibility: (Click on each award name to view its full description, eligibility requirements, and selection criteria)

  • Outstanding Teaching: Open to all CSE tenure-track/tenured faculty, fixed-term faculty, and instructional staff who demonstrate learner-centered, inclusive teaching practices.
  • Outstanding Research: Open to all CSE tenure-track/tenured, research, and fixed-term faculty.
  • Outstanding Service: Open to all CSE faculty, staff, and students, including Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).

Self-nominations and nominations from colleagues, students, and alumni are strongly encouraged. The deadline for nominations is Monday, April 7. Help us celebrate those who make a difference—submit your nomination today!

What award are you nominating them for?
Description of why and how the nominee merits special recognition given the criteria for the award OR upload file (one page maximum)