Biology Student Organizations

Joining a student organization is a fantastic way to connect with peers, build leadership skills, and enhance your academic and professional journey. Whether you’re interested in networking with industry professionals or collaborating on innovative projects, there’s an organization for you. Explore our diverse groups and find your community—because your success is more than just academics, it’s about the connections you make and the experiences you share.

Beta Beta Beta

The CMU Theta Zeta Chapter of Beta Beta Beta is a society for biology students dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. For more information, please contact the club via email at or through our faculty advisor:

Dr. Scott McNaught

Campus Grow

Campus Grow is a non-profit Registered Student Organization that cares for two gardens, roughly 30,000-square-feet in size, that are located on the main campus of Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant. The gardens offer space for faculty, staff, students and local community members to grow fresh, organic fruits, vegetables and flowers in an educational community garden setting. In addition, designated garden space is used to grow vegetables and fruits which are donated to the local food pantry and the Isabella County Commission on Aging.

The gardens also host educational activities for children from the CMU Child Development and Learning Laboratory, as well as local families.

There are three ways in which people can get involved:

  • Active Members: Work 6 hours/month for our volunteer-based student RSO and perform various tasks such as planting, weeding and harvesting.
  • Plot Renters: There are 61 plots available at our Big Garden. Students, faculty and local community members can rent 10' x 10' plots for $10 to share with friends and family members.
  • Volunteers: Help us in hosting events and in doing tasks such as weeding and mulching on garden work days.

The Herpetological Society

The Herpetological Society at CMU is a student-run organization specializing in reptiles and amphibians.

For more information, please visit the club's Facebook page, contact the club via email at

The Pre-Dental Society

The CMU Pre-Dental Society assists students who are interested in the profession of dentistry.

For more information, please contact our faculty advisor:

Dr. Kirsten Nicholson

Pre-Medicine and Osteopathic Society

The Pre-Medicine and Osteopathic Society enables students interested in the medical field to learn about the different areas of medicine. Activities include guest speakers, tours of various medical schools, volunteer, fundraising, and social activities.

For more information, please contact the club via email at or through our faculty advisor:

Dr. Steven Gorsich

Pre-Optometry Club

The CMU Pre-Optometry Club is a group of students who all share the same ultimate goal of attending optometry school. The club discusses various things such as the optometry admissions test (OAT), volunteer opportunities, and touring local offices and nearby optometry schools.

Connect with the CMU Pre-Optometry club on Facebook or contact our faculty advisor:

Dr. Peter Kourtev 

Pre-Physical Therapy Club

The Pre-Physical Therapy Club is dedicated to informing and bringing together students interested in the field of Physical Therapy. Students range in ages, grades, and majors. Meetings provide insight to the graduate school application process, specialties in the field of physical therapy, assistance with undergrad major decisions and course work, along with interactions with physical therapists and graduate school faculty.

For more information, please contact the club via email at or through our faculty advisor:

Dr. Herman Triezenberg

Pre-Veterinary Club

The Pre-Veterinary Club prepares students for a future in veterinary medicine and provides opportunities to learn more about the profession through different field trips, lessons, fundraisers and a symposium each year. This club is meant to help prepare each student member for veterinary school.

For more information, please contact the club via email at or through our faculty advisors:

Dr. Elizabeth Alm

The Wildlife Society

The CMU Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society (TWS) focuses on preparing members for future careers in biology, specifically wildlife. TWS members participate in a variety of activities and volunteering throughout the year including volunteering at The Wildlife Recovery Association, wolf howling in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, attending the annual Midwest Student Conclave and more.

For more information, please contact the club via email at or through our faculty advisor:

Dr. Thomas Gehring