Geography and Environmental Studies Scholarships

Each year, we award a number of geography and environmental studies scholarships to Central Michigan University students. Please contact us for information about application requirements and procedures.

Geography and Environmental Studies Scholarship Checklist

Available scholarships

The Norma and Howard Richardson Endowment for Undergraduate Student Travel

The Richardson Fund is established by Norma Richardson and Michael Libbee in memory of the late Dr. Howard Richardson, Professor Emeritus, to help students explore places and cultures outside of Michigan

The Richardson Endowment will support travel for students with majors or minors in geography or social studies with a geography concentration.  Travel can include support for international travel, geography groups to attend national meetings, and student teaching experiences outside of Michigan.

Hugh Calkins Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship was established in 2002 by the estate of Hugh Calkins '33 in recognition of his family's long association with CMU. Hugh Calkins graduated from CMU in 1933 with a Bachelor of Science in Geography. His father, R.D. Calkins, was the first Chair of Geography at CMU serving from 1902 - 1944 and Calkins Hall is named in his honor. Hugh Calkins passed away in 2000. This is a renewable scholarship available to sophomores or above enrolled in the College of Science and Engineering with either a signed Geography major, any concentration, or a signed Environmental Studies major. Recipient must have a minimum GPA of 3.25 in GES courses and a 3.25 GPA overall. This is also available to incoming freshman with the intent of pursuing either a Geography major or an Environmental Studies major. No minimum GPA will be required for incoming freshmen.

C.W. Olmstead Award in Geography

Established in 1992 by Clarence W. Olmstead, '37. Income from the endowment will support a renewable award for a sophomore or higher with a signed major in geography. Recipient must have completed or be currently enrolled in GEO 105 or its equivalent (GEO 120, GEO 121, and GEO 203), and also completed three additional courses towards the major at or above the 300 level. Student must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in their major and a minimum overall GPA of 3.5. Recipient must submit an application and cover letter as requested by the Department of Geography.

Charles Warren and Denzil Slentz Thornthwaite Scholarship

Established in 1962 as the Denzil Slentz Thornthwaite Memorial Fund by C. Warren Thornthwaite in honor of his wife. Their daughters later made the scholarship a memorial to their parents, both of whom were alumni. The recipient is a student who plans to pursue a career in geography. The scholarship is available to juniors or seniors majoring in geography with a minimum 3.0 GPA and a 2.75 GPA overall with demonstrated financial need.​​

Grossa/Klopic Endowment

The Grossa/Klopcic Endowment is for students focusing on Geographic Information Science. The scholarship maybe renewed a maximum of one time, contingent upon the recipient’s satisfactory academic progress and future availability of funds.