Global ID and Email for New Faculty
All students, staff, and instructors at CMU are issued a Global ID. Your Global ID consists of the first five letters of your last name and a number, followed by your first and middle initials (e.g., JONES1AA). Activating your Global ID and password is an important first step in connecting with CMU systems. See the "My Account" link below to activate your Global ID.
It is vital that you have a working Global ID and password, as these are your admittance to most resources at CMU, including CMU email, calendar, CentralLink (CMU’s intranet) and our learning management system — Blackboard (Bb).
Your Global ID is also part of your CMU email address (Your ID@cmich.edu). It's imperative you utilize this email with CMU, as all communication from CMU will be sent to this address. CMU is not responsible for contacting you at any other email address.
If you are having difficulty using your Global ID, have not activated your Global ID or have forgotten your password, please contact the CMU IT Help Desk for assistance at 989-774-3662.
CMU email and calendar are hosted using Office 365. CMU's Microsoft site license covers both products, and are available to faculty at no cost. If you need assistance obtaining and/or configuring an email client, contact the CMU Help Desk at 989-774-3662.
It is important for each employee to know that employment-related email messages are sent from CMU using the employee listservs. All new employees will be added to the appropriate listservs. Employees are responsible for checking their CMU email account on a regular basis and reading the content of these messages.
Important links
Set up your Global ID (activate your Global ID)
Help Desk (hours, request help online)