Sexual Misconduct Policy Overview for New Faculty
Central Michigan University is committed to equal educational and employment opportunity and to the elimination of all forms of prohibited discrimination. Correspondingly, CMU has enacted a Sexual and Gender-based Misconduct Policy. This policy provides information regarding how CMU will proceed once it has become aware of allegations of sexual misconduct in order to prevent its recurrence, remedy its effects, promote safety and deter individuals from similar future behavior. Under the Sexual Misconduct Policy, dating violence, domestic violence/intimate partner violence, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment, stalking and retaliation will not be tolerated and are expressly prohibited. CMU strives to eradicate sexual misconduct through primary prevention and on-going awareness programs, education, training, clear policies and serious consequences for acts of sexual misconduct. The Sexual Misconduct Policy applies to all CMU faculty, staff and students regardless of sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.
If you see something, say something. It’s on all of us to take a stand against sexual misconduct.
Sexual Misconduct Training
EVERFI is an online training program that reviews CMU’s policies and expectations regarding sexual misconduct. All CMU faculty and staff (with the exception of confidential resources or those named explicitly in the Sexual Misconduct policy) are considered responsible employee and are required to report any information they know about possible sexual misconduct. All employees are required to complete the EVERFI online training and will be sent an email with directions on how to access it. For questions or more information contact the Title IX Coordinator by calling 989-774-3253.