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Reasons to Choose CMU


Students happy at football game

We welcome your wide range of life experiences and perspectives to our campus. As a transfer student, you know the college routine, you’ve acquired knowledge that will enrich our classroom discussions, and you’ll bring energy to our programs with your commitment to take action. Your passion to learn will be fueled by faculty that care, programs that prepare you for the job market and opportunities to reach your career goal.

We make transferring easy, that is why we’re the right choice for you.

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We do faculty connections

Chemistry and biochemistry faculty member Ben Swarts knows his students learn best by doing, and he didn’t hesitate to introduce two of his students to a well-known worldwide researcher. As a result, his students are directly collaborating on their research project with the researcher’s lab, using the most highly advanced instruments and techniques to take their work to the next level. “We now are collaborating with a superstar in the field,” Swarts said.

We do success

Imagine playing a four-hour game where the ultimate prize is an on-the-spot job or internship offer at a major company. That scenario is a reality for nearly 200 Central Michigan University students at CMU’s (Enterprise Resource Planning) ERPsim Competition — an annual business simulation that serves as the ultimate job interview with leading Michigan, national, and international companies like 3M, The Ford Motor Company and Marathon. Proud alum Lexi Lang, is one of many graduates that come back to campus to coach students, offering them advice and tools for success.

We do leadership

When Australyah Coleman stepped forward to lead our student chapter of the NAACP, she didn't know it was a first step toward a national honor as the first NAACP Youth Activist of the Year. But she soon found her voice. Coleman’s leadership, driving diversity and inclusion on and off campus, lead her to be honored by the nation’s oldest civil rights organization. Coleman said her decision to get involved at CMU, becoming NAACP chapter president her sophomore year, put her on the path to the award. She plans to become a civil rights or family law attorney.

We do real-world experience

Our students, faculty and alumni from the College of Medicine used their knowledge and skills to help save lives during the 2019-20 Coronavirus pandemic. The virus transport mediums for testing vials of liquid were in high demand in Michigan as hospitals and testing sites were short on help and supplies. Students working beside faculty made more than 8,000 vials in our labs. The bulk of those vials were sent to the state labs for analysis where CMU alumni Stephan Dawson and Laural Vibber work. "I am glad that I am able to do my part. It's what I went to school for," Dawson said.