BLOG: All Things Higher Ed

Top 12 reasons to go back to school to pursue your degree

Do you find yourself in a position where you need additional knowledge or skills to advance your career? If so, it might be time to consider returning to school. While adding classes, homework, and studying to an already busy life may seem daunting, returning to school can be significantly beneficial for today’s professionals. Here are 12 reasons it makes sense to earn a  bachelor’s or master’s degree as you look for opportunities for career advancement and ways to improve your income potential.

Take the first step toward advancing your career and your life with a degree from Central Michigan University. No tricks, just a treat! All undergrads can apply for free in October.

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1. You’ll be more marketable to employers

The employment market can be highly competitive, depending on your field. If you are up against fierce competition, earning a bachelor’s degree or jumping into a master’s can give you a competitive edge.

Earning a master’s degree can especially give you a competitive edge. Around 16 million people  have master’s degrees, or about 8 percent of the population. Thus, earning a master’s degree will make you a more competitive applicant when looking for a new position.

2. Possibility of a higher earning potential

A degree cannot guarantee any particular income, but earning one often leads to higher salary potential. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics , someone with a high school diploma makes around $800 a week, whereas someone with a bachelor's degree earns an average of $1,300 a week. For those with master’s degrees, the income averages increase to $1,500 a week. Based on these averages, earning a degree could very well mean a higher potential income.

3. A deeper understanding of your field

On a personal level, you will develop a deeper understanding of your field when you earn your degree. The more you know about your field, the more successful and accomplished you will feel. Extend your knowledge with a bachelor’s degree or pursue research with a master’s degree. Either way, you will  graduate with more in-depth knowledge, making you a more effective professional in your field.

Once you have a deeper understanding of your field, you can be well-positioned for advancement, even within your existing organization. When advanced positions open up, you will have the right qualifications to apply, giving you the upper hand over others who did not go to undergrad or  graduate school.

4. You’ll be able to learn new skills and technologies

Technology is constantly changing, and things have likely changed since the last time you got formal technology training. When you return to school and complete a degree, you will get additional training in your field's newest skills and technology. These additional skills or tech knowledge will position you for success in your current career and as you look for career  advancement in the future.

5. You’ll be able to network with other professionals

The university scene is an excellent place to network with professionals in your field. Especially in graduate school, you have the chance to study alongside other dedicated professionals and learn from some of the industry leaders in your field. The networking potential available with a new degree is one of the most compelling  reasons to pursue a master's degree. You can tap into those connections even after you graduate to learn about new jobs and research opportunities.

To make the most of this benefit, keep up with your connections even after you graduate. While you are in your program, get to know your professors and the other staff in the school. Those connections will prove valuable in the future when you search for job opportunities, references, and recommendations.

6. Enhanced communication skills

Going back to school can improve your communication skills. You will have to write papers and prepare presentations; those communication skills will translate into better communication on the job. Make the most out of the assignments that require communication, and you’ll be able to put that experience to work for you in job interviews, presentations, and more.

7. Improved critical thinking skills

Today’s college experience is less about throwing facts at students and more about teaching students how to think. When you return to school, you will hone your critical thinking skills. Critical thinking will help you navigate the challenges that come up in the workplace, resulting in greater professional success.

8. The chance to make a difference

When you have more knowledge in your field, you are better able to make a difference in that field. You can use that knowledge to improve the industry, better serve your customers or clients, or improve your organization. If you’re finding that you are not making as much of an impact as you want, then going back to school could give you the power to start making those changes.

9. Better work/life balance

Do you struggle to maintain a healthy work/life balance? Adding school to your to-do list may seem challenging, but one benefit of returning to school is learning how to strike this balance. Students must learn better  time management to complete everything on time, and they keep that skill after graduation. Practicing time management in college will help you learn to balance work and home responsibilities for the rest of your life.

10. Improved personal skills

Another reason to consider completing or attaining a degree program is the chance to grow your personal and professional development. With additional training, you will learn to work independently, achieve self-motivation, and improve your teamwork skills. You will study alongside people from many walks of life, which could help you learn to appreciate people from other countries and cultures. Greater interpersonal skills will serve you well in both your professional and personal life.

11. Improved job security

Finally, earning your degree can improve your job security. When the time comes to make job cuts, chances are the least qualified employees will be the ones cut, not the ones with superior qualifications. Adding a degree to your resume will help you keep your job more secure, giving you peace of mind about the future. If you do end up jobless, having a degree will also help you find a new position more quickly because you will have the right qualifications for the role.

12. Allow for a career change

Sometimes the reason to go back to school is not for advancement within your current career. Instead, it is to pursue a career change. If you are no longer interested in continuing in your current line of work, earning a  graduate or undergraduate degree in a new field can be what you need to make that shift without starting over in entry-level positions.

Get started on your degree with Central Michigan University

If you are ready to embrace the job security and advancement potential available when you graduate with a bachelor’s or master’s degree, Central Michigan University’s wide range of programs could be a good fit. With competitive  tuition and career-focused degree programs, Central Michigan University prepares students for work in the real world. We also have fully online programs that provide flexibility for working professionals.

When you choose the right program, you can go back to school and fit it around your family and work responsibilities. Reach out to the admission team at Central Michigan University today to learn more about our online options, graduate programs, and undergraduate degrees .

Blog: All Things Higher Ed posted | Last Modified: | Categories: General Education
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