BLOG: All Things Higher Ed

Top 10 reasons you need to earn an MBA

Are you looking for ways to make yourself more effective as a business professional? Do you want a leg up on the competition when applying for a new position? If so, a Master of Business Administration, or MBA, may be the right fit. Whether you are interested in entrepreneurship, business leadership, or international business, an MBA program  could help you realize your career goals. What can you hope to gain by becoming an MBA student? Here are ten perks that graduates enjoy after completing their MBAs.

Take the lead in business and in your professional career. Central Michigan University offers a diverse master of business administration program. Applications for Fall 2025 are now open.

The MBA  degree  is one of the most respected and well-known degrees in the world

There are numerous master’s and even doctoral degrees available for business professionals, but the MBA is probably the most widely known and recognized. If you tell someone you have an MBA, they automatically view you as knowledgeable in the world of business. This is a well-respected, well-known  degree, and that in and of itself is an excellent reason to earn an MBA. Most MBA graduates report a high level of satisfaction with their  degree. In the 2018 Alumni Perspectives Survey Report  from the Graduate Management Admissions Council, 96% of MBA students felt they got excellent value from their MBA degree.

Earning an MBA can help open doors to many different career opportunities

If you picture yourself in leadership within the business world, then becoming an MBA student and graduating with your  degree will help. The degree opens the door to leadership positions, as many fields consider the MBA quintessential the entry-level  degree for managerial and executive roles. In addition, earning an MBA gives you access to an extensive network of other business professionals. If you stay connected with that network after you graduate , it can open the door to many opportunities. Finally, your MBA program gives you the option for specialization. Some typical concentrations include:

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Health systems
  • Human resources
  • Information technology
  • Logistics management
  • Marketing
  • Project management
  • Analytics
  • Cybersecurity
  • Accounting

Each of these is a unique degree option, providing you with the variety of career paths necessary to find something that fits your interests. By choosing your concentration carefully, you can add a specialty that will make you highly competitive in your chosen field.

An MBA can help you earn a higher salary than if you had only a Bachelor’s Degree

One of the biggest perks of earning an MBA is the higher income potential possible with this degree. Because it opens the door to managerial and leadership roles, it also opens the door to increased income potential. You are more likely to be considered for a promotion, for instance, if you have an MBA, than if you do not, and you can apply to a new position higher up the corporate ladder with this  degree. Across the globe, MBA graduates see an average salary increase of around 77% . If you want to land a six-figure career, it may start with earning an MBA.

An MBA can help you become a leader in your field

While job and income potential are important, there is something to be said for the knowledge gained in your MBA degree. That knowledge can position you as a thought leader in your industry. Once you  graduate, you may quickly rise to a leadership position within your field. You become the one people turn to when they have business questions or want an expert’s opinion. Your newly gained knowledge allows you to give that opinion while earning the respect of fellow business professionals.

An MBA can give you the skills and knowledge you need to start your own business

The world of entrepreneurship is constantly growing. Startup businesses can be highly successful, but they require exemplary leadership to find that success. In addition, entrepreneurs must understand the logistics of starting and running their own businesses, including hiring employees, setting up an effective business plan, and asking investors for help. MBA programs will teach you the ins and outs of business. Understanding how successful companies work is essential to start your own business someday. Many MBA programs even have classes or concentrations on  entrepreneurship, so you will get targeted training that will make you an effective business owner.

An MBA can help you become more efficient and effective in your work

Top MBA programs utilize classroom instruction and hands-on learning. You will become more effective in your work as you put your newly learned skills into practice. MBA graduates also tend to work more efficiently because they receive in-depth training about what works and what doesn’t work in business. You can choose a  specialization or concentration that aligns with your current line of work or builds the skills you lack and want to develop. Either way, you will walk out of your degree  program with new skills that will make you better at your job.

An MBA can help you learn how to think strategically and make sound decisions

Do you find yourself doubting your decision-making abilities? In your MBA training, you will learn how to think strategically and logically about situations you face. The projects you complete for school are often problem-based, allowing you to research potential solutions. That strategic thinking will help you make decisive, sound decisions backed by the latest business knowledge gained through your education.

An MBA can give you the confidence to speak up in meetings and share your ideas with others

Do you sit back and listen instead of speaking your opinion when you attend meetings? Earning an MBA may equip you with the confidence to speak up and share your ideas. You will graduate  with fresh ideas that people want to hear. The others around you in your organization will view you with more respect and be willing to listen to your ideas, and your new confidence will help you share them consistently. The ability to share your thoughts and have ideas backed by recent research will directly and positively impact your organization.

An MBA can help you build relationships with other professionals and business leaders

That professional network you grew while in your MBA program will continue to grow even after you graduate. Those connections will breed new connections, and soon you will have  networking relationships with other business leaders and professionals in your area. Your MBA training will give you something to discuss as you grow that crucial professional network. Cultivating those connections will inform you about upcoming opportunities, new business technology, and improved business strategies.

An MBA is an investment in yourself

Ultimately, one of the most important reasons to get an MBA is because doing so allows you to invest in yourself. Your degree  will give you the knowledge, network, skills, and confidence you need to advance in the business world. You can choose a program that fits your interests and abilities, then start building the knowledge you need to be a success.

Grow your professional knowledge with an MBA from Central Michigan University

If you are ready to grow your skills, gain a new perspective and increase your employability, then it is time to enroll in an MBA program like the flexible  Master of Business Administration at Central Michigan University. Enroll in either online or on-campus education, and complete your degree  in one to two years. Soon you will have the expanded skill set and additional preparation you need to achieve your professional goals. Contact our admissions team today to learn more about our business school  and the Master of Business Administration.

Blog: All Things Higher Ed posted | Last Modified: | Categories: General Education
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