BLOG: Admissions Director's Blog

Four ways to help your student with their college search

“How can I help my kids be successful?”

That question has been central to many decisions I've made over the past 20 years, and it was top-of-mind when my daughter began her college search two years ago.

The goal of this blog is to share advice drawn from two decades in college admissions combined with personal experience navigating the journey with my own kids. Without further ado, here are four ways you can support your child’s college search.

1. Be curious but not overbearing

Choosing a college is one of the biggest decisions high school seniors will make, so being supportive and listening is important. Many students shut down emotionally because they feel like they are under pressure in a way they haven’t been before. They’re fielding a lot of questions about what’s next while trying to have a senior year to remember. So, help them enjoy the process while sharing your support and life experience. As one of my favorite movie characters, Mr. Miyagi used to say, “Balance.”

2. Attend a senior/college night or college fair

Many high school counseling offices host senior or college search nights, offering a relaxed environment for families to get their questions answered. It's a chance for students to hang out with their friends while gaining valuable information.

Regardless of whether your school hosts a college night, you can probably find a nearby college fair. With free admission, these events typically feature 25-50 colleges and are held during the fall months.

3. Talk about finances

Many families avoid discussing the financial aspects of college, but in admissions, we encourage and expect questions about costs, scholarships, grants, and more. Neither you nor your student should feel embarrassed about having this conversation.

I’d advise you to discuss costs and finances before your child feels locked into a decision. It’s surprising how often students commit to a college—telling everyone, arranging roommates, buying gear—without knowing the actual cost or what their family is willing to invest. An open conversation about who is paying, and how much, is more likely to turn out best if it happens early enough to help shape the college search.

If you don't yet have a plan to pay for college, now is the time to start.

4. Visit campus

This is a step you can take immediately that will help in a lot of different ways.

First, a campus tour helps your child begin to understand what they're looking for in a college. Whether it’s something they see on campus, a message that resonates, or simply gaining a feel for the location and facilities, a tour can help them narrow their focus. Second, for the student already focused on a specific campus, it provides deeper insight into what that school has to offer. Additionally, for students uncertain about where they belong, visiting different campuses can help them determine if a particular college feels like the right fit.

Here at CMU, we offer a number of different campus visit options, and many other schools do as well. Following are some brief descriptions of our visits to help you see the breadth of opportunities that are out there:

  • Campus Visit Presentation and Tour - Scheduled several times a week, our standard campus visit includes a presentation about admissions and financial aid and a campus tour led by a current CMU student. Recent visits have played host to about 25 students and their families, so this option allows for more individual questions and a shorter agenda than a large open house-style event.
  • Campus Visits with College Connections – Offered once school begins, these take our standard campus visits a step further by connecting you with a faculty/staff member in a specific academic area in addition to the presentation and tour.
  • CMU & You Day — If you’re interested in experiencing CMU spirit, pencil in September 28 on your calendar. CMU & You Day is our largest open house of the year with over 2,000 guests and includes a wide range of opportunities to interact with folks from across campus, eat lunch on campus, and attend the CMU football game vs San Diego State for free. (Registration is not yet available but will be communicated to you in the near future.)

I hope those four points help you figure out your next steps. When I dropped my daughter off at school last August, it felt comforting to know that I’d done what I could to prepare her for her journey. I wish you nothing but the same as you move through the next year. 

I hope this information proves helpful to you and your family. Let us know if you have any questions, and…

Fire Up Chips!


Blog: Admissions Director's Blog posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Bob Garcia | Categories: Admissions & Aid For Parents & Families
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