BLOG: University Libraries

Discovering CMU Libraries' Services for Your Academic Success

A librarian in front of a computer gives a consultation to student who sits across a desk

The CMU Libraries are your gateway to a world of resources, support, and opportunities that can help achieve your academic goals. In a 2023 student library survey, CMU Libraries’ services received high satisfaction rates, with 93.1% of respondents expressing their contentment. In this blog post, we will unveil the diverse range of services offered, ensuring you have all the tools you need to excel in your studies.

This circle chart shows the overall satisfaction rate with services offered by University Libraries in 2023

Note. Somewhat dissatisfied = 0.00%; Extremely dissatisfied = 0.00%.

Popular library services  

Assistance from Library Personnel: Our knowledgeable library staff are always ready to help you at the second-floor service desk. From finding materials to answering questions, they are your go-to resource.

One-on-One Assistance from Librarians: If you have a research project or course assignment, our librarians are ready to provide personalized support to ensure your success. Find your subject librarian and schedule a research consultation. 

Assistance from Librarians Online: Our dedicated team of librarians is available online through our Ask a Librarian service to assist you with research questions and help you navigate the extensive collection of library resources. Make the most of their expertise no matter where you are.

Instruction in Your Courses: We provide customized library instruction within college courses on finding, using, and evaluating information, equipping you with invaluable research skills.

Documents on Demand: Accessing materials has never been easier with Documents on Demand, a service that provides quick access to resources not readily available in the CMU Libraries’ collections.

Discovering lesser-known services

While many of our services receive high acclaim, some valuable resources might remain unnoticed. Here are a few unique services waiting to be explored:

LIB 197, 1-Credit Library Research Course: Enhance your research and information literacy skills through this valuable course, equipping you with skills to excel in your academic endeavors.

Online Tutorials for Library Resources: Access interactive tutorials to make the most of our vast collection, ensuring you can optimize your research process.

Adobe Digital Lounge Support: Tap into our resources at the Adobe Digital Lounge, where staff can assist with creative projects and help you grow your digital literacy skills.

The Clarke Historical Library: Take a break from your studies to enjoy the Clarke’s exhibitions or explore historic books and manuscripts.

Art Exhibitions: Reflect on thought-provoking art exhibitions in the Baber Room and expand your mind by enjoying art exhibited throughout the Park Library.  

The impact of library instruction

For those who have received library instruction in their courses, the results are remarkable. After attending library instruction, 87.9% of students surveyed reported an increase in confidence using library resources. Moreover, 89.3% of these students applied what they learned to their assignments, demonstrating the practicality and relevance of library instruction beyond a single course. 

Bar graph showing impact for those that have received library instruction in their courses

How to make the most of CMU Libraries' services 

Stay Curious: Explore the various services offered by CMU Libraries. Don't hesitate to reach out for assistance whenever you need it. 

Connect with Library Employees: Our librarians and staff are here to make your experience pleasant and productive. Don't hesitate to approach them for support. 

Spread the Word: Share your positive experiences with friends and classmates to ensure everyone benefits from our exceptional services. 


At CMU Libraries, your success is our priority. We are delighted to offer a wide array of services and resources to help you excel in your academic journey. From personalized assistance with librarians to the 1-credit library research course, there's something for every student. 

Embrace the wealth of opportunities that CMU Libraries provide and let us be your partners in academic achievement. 

Happy exploring! 

Blog: University Libraries posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Kathy M. Irwin | Categories: CMU Libraries
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