BLOG: University Libraries

Congratulations to our Spring 2024 Graduating Libraries Student Employees!

Congratulations Graduates!

Utsav Jaiswal (He/Him)

University Libraries Department:  Access and User Services since 2023
Degree Master of Science in Information Systems
Major/Minor:  Business Analytics/Project Manager
Future Plans:  "Move to a different city for my job."
Favorite Space in the Libraries:  “Our office because we just have our own space and get to sit and actually interact with co-workers.”
A fun fact:  “I have a passion for photography, and I love exploring new places and traveling.”


Larry Laponsie (He/Him)

Still photo of graduating libraries student employee Larry Laponsie in beige hunting jacket and army green bucket hat against pine trees and tall grass wooded areaUniversity Libraries Department: Systems since 2021 
Degree:  Bachelor of Science in Education 
Major/Minor: Social Studies Secondary Education: Geography focus. Broadcast & Cinematic Arts/History 
Future Plans“I plan to teach full-time, and slowly start working towards a graduate degree in information science.”  
Student Teaching: “I will be returning to my hometown in the UP, to student teach this fall.” 
Favorite Memory: “Being given the opportunity to demo and teach others about the Apple Vision Pro! Getting to use and teach such a new and revolutionary piece of technology is amazing.” 
Favorite Space in the Libraries: “I may be biased, but I enjoy the Adobe Digital Lounge the most! It is such a unique and fun space, with the best vibes across the whole library.” 
A fun fact: “I am a Yooper.”     


Riteesh Mahalinga Mandi (He/Him)  

Still photo of Riteesh Mahalinga Mandi in a blue polo against a city scapeUniversity Libraries Department:  Access and User Services since 2022
Degree:  Master of Science
Major/Minor:  Information Systems
Future Plans:  “To pursue a career in Information Systems, and gain experience in emerging software technologies.” 
Favorite Memory: “One of my favorite memories is that I helped professors and students to discover their passion for reading by recommending the perfect book that sparked their imagination and curiosity.” 
Favorite Space in the Libraries: The Copeland Suite 
A fun fact: “I am most proud about publishing an Australian Patent during my bachelor's coursework."

Tejaswini Manohar (She/Her)  

Still photo of graduating Libraries student employee Tejaswini Manohar in a maroon long sleeve shirt against a city billboard scapeUniversity Libraries Department:  Access and User Services since 2022 
Degree:  Masters 
Major/Minor:  Information Systems 
Future Plans “To pursue a career in analytics and data science and be part of an organization that provides me with opportunities to learn and excel in my career. “ 
Favorite Memory:  “Being part of a vibrant environment at CMU library and meeting new people every day."
Favorite Space in the Libraries:  Library Services Desk


Abby Nagy (She/Her)  

University Libraries Department: Access and User Services since 2020 
Degree:  Bachelor of Applied Arts 
Major/Minor: Dance Studies/Business Administration 
Future Plans: “Auditioning for professional dance companies around Kalamazoo, Michigan.” 
Favorite Space in the Libraries: “Third floor, my favorite floor to close.” 
A fun fact: “I have two cats, Penelope and Phoebe.”  

Sai Divya Pasupuleti (She/Her)  

University Libraries Department: Access and User Services since 2023 
Degree:  Master of Science 
Major/Minor: Computer Science 
Future Plans: “Work in stream of education.” 
Favorite Memory: “Early morning shifts.” 
Favorite Space in the Libraries: Library Services Desk 
A fun fact:
 “I can drink coffee anytime--coffee is my favorite."

Sai Teja Puli (He/Him)  

Still photo of graduating student Si Teja Puli in a white collared button shirt against a striped backgroundUniversity Libraries Department:  Access and User Services since 2023 
Degree:  Master of Science in Information Systems
Major/Minor:  Project Management
Future Plans:  "Try to get a job in my field of study."
Favorite Memory:  "Working in Summer."
Favorite Space in the Libraries:  Library Services Desk
A fun fact:  “I love to dance and sing while cooking.”



Evan Siemienkiewicz (He/Him)  

University Libraries Department: Acquisitions and Resource Management since 2021
Degree:  Bachelor of Science 
Major/Minor: Biochemistry/Biology 
Future Plans: “Graduate school to study molecular and cellular biology.” 
Favorite Memory: “Getting to take photos of all the events happening in the library.” 
Favorite Space in the Libraries: “The desks near the windows on the third floor.” 
A fun fact: “I can play three musical instruments.”   

Sherly Nandha

University Libraries Department:  Access and User Services since 2022 
Degree:  Masters
Major/Minor: Project Management
Future Plans: “To spend the past two years unlearning what I knew and gaining real-world experience.” 
Favorite Memory:  "Battling it out with my colleagues to earn the privilege of closing the second floor during library hours, while they handle the rest!"
Favorite Space in the Libraries: "When I'm stationed near the information desk on the first floor, I enjoy observing people as they enter and exit."A fun fact:  "I thoroughly enjoy using radios to communicate, and I'm thrilled that my dream of doing so has come true."



Sai Chand Venapally (He/Him) 

Still photo of Sai Chand Venapally in a blue polo with brick/wood building in the backgroundUniversity Libraries Department:  Access and User Services since 2022 
Degree:  Master of Information Systems
Major/Minor: Business Data Analytics 
Future Plans: “Job in my field of study.” 
Favorite Memory: “Working in the summer.”
Favorite Space in the Libraries: Last desk in office 226 



Lucas Warnke (He/Him) 

University Libraries Department: Access and User Services/Documents on Demand since 2021
Degree:  Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major/Minor:  Accounting
Favorite Space in the Libraries: “The second floor's board-game tables.”
A fun fact: “I’ve played on the CMU Men’s Club Volleyball team since my freshman year.”

Blog: University Libraries posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Katrina Himebaugh | Categories: CMU Libraries
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