BLOG: University Libraries

Enhancing your college experience: Maximizing the benefits of your university libraries

Still image of the Park Library south entrance featuring the Park Library wayfinding sign.

As you navigate your academic journey, the library can be your most valuable ally in achieving academic success and personal growth. According to a 2023 survey conducted by CMU Libraries, students' satisfaction with the library is nearly back to pre-pandemic levels. This is great news for all of you, as the library is an essential resource that offers many services to enhance your learning experiences.

This circle chart shows the overall satisfaction with the CMU Libraries in 2023: Very Satisfied – 66.39%, Somewhat Satisfied - 29.28%, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied 3.71%

Note. Somewhat dissatisfied = 0.41%; Extremely dissatisfied = 0.21%.

The heart of academic success: Your university libraries

The 2023 survey results revealed that 95.4% of students reported being somewhat or very satisfied with the CMU Libraries in 2023. This highlights the library's commitment to meeting the diverse needs of students across different degree programs, be it undergraduates or graduate students.

For graduate students, the library played a crucial role in helping them achieve academic success, increasing research productivity, and managing time effectively. With 88.7% of graduate student respondents affirming that the library helped them achieve overall academic success, it's clear that the library is an indispensable tool for advancing your academic pursuits.

Undergraduate students also expressed high satisfaction rates (89.4%) with the library's impact on their academic success. Moreover, the library proved instrumental in enhancing students’ time management skills (85.9%), supporting group projects (82.7%), and finding the necessary information for assignments (79.9%). These services can be invaluable in ensuring that your college experience is both productive and rewarding.

Library spaces: A key to your success

The Park Library’s physical spaces were highly regarded by students, with 92.1% of survey respondents expressing satisfaction with the spaces offered. From individual study spaces to group study rooms, the library caters to different learning preferences and styles. Whether you thrive in quiet, solitary environments or flourish through group collaboration, the library has a spot for you. 

Students’ top reasons for visiting the Park Library included using library printers, studying individually in quiet spaces, utilizing computers for assignments, and participating in group study sessions. Additionally, borrowing books and materials, utilizing academic support centers, and exploring exhibits were also popular activities.

This circle chart shows the overall satisfaction with the CMU Libraries in 2023: Very Satisfied – 66.39%, Somewhat Satisfied - 22.39%, Neither Satisfied nor Dissatisfied - 7.14%

Note. Somewhat dissatisfied = 0.77%; Extremely dissatisfied = 0.00%.

Tips to maximize your library experience

Explore Library Spaces: Familiarize yourself with multiple library study spaces. We offer a variety of spaces and seating options on all 4 floors of the Park Library. Challenge yourself to try a different space each time you visit until you find the areas that support you best.  

Utilize Group Study Rooms and Collaborative Spaces: Collaborating with peers can lead to deeper understanding and fresh perspectives on your coursework. Reserve a group study room or use the collaborative study spaces in the Copeland Suite or 3 East to enhance your learning experience. Sharing perspectives and discussing insights can deepen your understanding and problem-solving ability.

Seek out Unique Spaces for Additional Support: The Quality of Life Room is a quiet retreat from your busy schedule. The Family Study Room is for students who are parents and guardians who want to study accompanied by their children. The Adobe Digital Lounge is for all students who wish to develop their digital literacy skills.   

Seek Assistance: Don't hesitate to approach library employees if you need help accessing study spaces or using any of the library's services. We are here to support you!


CMU Libraries offer a treasure trove of resources, services, and spaces designed to enhance your college experience. The CMU Libraries' 2023 survey highlights the positive impact the library has on students' academic success and productivity. So, whether you're an undergraduate or graduate student, make the most of your library – it could be the key to unlocking your full potential during your college years!

 Happy studying!

Blog: University Libraries posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Kathy Irwin | Categories: CMU Libraries
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