BLOG: University Libraries

A (Flying) Tour of the Park Library

Prepare for a unique tour as we embark on a journey through the Park Library, not on foot, but by air, through a drone fly-by.   

The drone lifts off from the first floor, giving us a bird's eye view of the atrium.  Weaving through the library's labyrinth of bookshelves, the camera captures the wide array of books, neatly aligned, showcasing their colorful spines and intriguing titles. 

As our drone continues its journey, it encounters an array of study spaces.  Whether you seek solitude for intensive research or crave the energy of a shared workspace, the library offers a variety of study spaces to meet the diverse needs of our students.  The tour takes us past our newest collaborative spaces: 3 East, the Copeland Suite, and the Adobe Digital Lounge.  More than just physical spaces, these are vibrant hubs of creativity, innovation, and expression. 

The last stop is the Clarke Historical Library, a treasure trove of history and knowledge.  As our aerial exploration draws to a close, we're left with a profound appreciation for the library's role as a guardian of history, knowledge, and culture. Its commitment to preserving information and making it accessible to all is evident. We’re reminded that libraries are not just buildings with books but dynamic places where the joy of discovery knows no bounds. 

Come and visit today! 

Blog: University Libraries posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Charles V. Park Library | Categories: CMU Libraries
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