BLOG: University Libraries

Share your Feedback about the 1 North Study Room Refresh

Image of the entrance to 1North Study Room in the Park Library.

During the summer of 2024, CMU Libraries plans to refresh the 1 North Study Room. We are collecting student feedback about these plans to ensure the new furnishings will support students’ needs for the room. Stop by the 1 North study room to see the proposed design and provide your feedback by February 9, 2024.  

Plans for the refresh include: 

  • Removing the study cubicles in the center of the room 
  • Installing a variety of new single-person study furniture in the center of the room and along the south wall
  • Adding some adjustable height tables
  • Installing new carpeting and new overhead lighting
  • Implementing a white noise system to reduce distractions

The following aspects of the room will not change: 

  • The tables along the windows facing Preston Street 
  • A mix of PCs and Macs 

In the Mary Dow Reading Room on the Park Library’s 3rd floor, some of the furniture proposed for 1 North is already in use. We encourage you to try those out and let us know what you think.  

Blog: University Libraries posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Kathy M. Irwin | Categories: CMU Libraries
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