BLOG: University Libraries

CMU Libraries Celebrates Black History Month

The cover of 10,000 Black Men Named George features three Black men in 1920s attire, with serious expressions. The title is in bold white text over a reddish-brown background. A tagline above reads, The true story of a railroad revolution.

Throughout the month of February, CMU Libraries will be celebrating Black History Month. Formally established by the United States government in 1976, Black History month is a month dedicated to honoring the “... accomplishments of Black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” This year’s specific theme is “African Americans and Labor,” a theme centered specifically around the ways various forms of labor “...intersect with the collective experiences of Black people.”

This year, CMU Libraries in collaboration with the Multicultural Academic Student Services office will highlight this history by the screening the film, “10,000 Black Men Named George.” Set in 1920’s America, this film focuses on the formation of the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters, the first all-black union in the United States. The film screening will be held Thursday, February 6, 2025, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the French auditorium. CMU Librarians Lee Parker and Aparna Zambare will introduce the film to attendees and will also facilitate a discussion amongst attendees following the screening.

In addition to the film screening, CMU Libraries offers a wide array of literary and special collections centered around African American History and culture. This includes books on African American history, archival resources located at the Clarke on topics such as the Old Settlers and the Broadside Press, and the CMU Libraries' collection of artwork by African American artists. Please visit our Black History month reading list for books and online resources:

We hope that these initiatives will help highlight this interesting and complex history and create a foundation for future collaboration.

Blog: University Libraries posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Lee Parker | Categories: CMU Libraries
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