BLOG: Web Insights Blog

Aug. 1, 2022: Website clean up

The digital strategists are working on the Digital Asset Management by identifying large image and document files, reducing the file sizes and replacing them. This work will help improve the overall stability of the website by increasing the load speed for digital assets. 


There are additional steps that website collaborators can take to help us keep the DAM running smoothly.

August is the perfect time to do some housekeeping of your images and documents in the DAM. Here are a few things you can do now to prepare for the fall semester.


Audit the images in your folders in the Digital Asset Management looking for:

  • If there are images you are not using, change the Title or Description to ‘Delete’ and send it to your strategist for publishing. That is an excellent way for us to see what you want to be removed.
  • Pay close attention when uploading any new images to the DAM that you are selecting your division/department folder.
    • The default folder for uploading images is the Academic Affairs Division folder so you will need to select your specific folder.
    • As you are adding new images, review your folders in the DAM and look for any that have more than 100 images. If you locate a folder with more than 100 images, you will not be able to add any additional images to that folder. You will need to create a new folder for images you upload. The maximum number of items in a single folder is 100.
  • Images that need their titles, alternative text and descriptions updated. Make sure the title is indicative of the image; the alternative text is a one-sentence description of the image; and the description gives more detail than the alternative text and allows someone to learn more about what is in an image.


Similar to images, perform an audit on the documents in your folders in the DAM looking for:

  • Evaluate your files for accuracy and relevance. If they are outdated and irrelevant to an external audience, work with your strategist to delete. 
    • For any documents you are not using, change the Title or Description to ‘Delete’ and send it to your strategist for publishing. That is an excellent way for us to see what you want to be removed.
    • Specifically, check documents for information about semester dates, fiscal year dates, event dates that have passed and other expired time-sensitive information. For example, any documents referring to 2021-22 or even 2020-21, should be replaced with the latest versions or deleted if not needed.
  • Look at the hyperlinks and URLs in the document. Replace any broken links; these links may be going to a webpage, Sharepoint file or an old address.
  • As you are adding new documents, review your folders in the DAM and look for any that have more than 100 documents. If you locate a folder with more than 100 documents, you will not be able to add any additional documents to that folder. You will need to create a new folder for documents you upload. The maximum number of items in a single folder is 100.
  • Documents that need their titles and descriptions updated. Titles should be indicative of what the document is and the description gives more detail and allows someone to learn more about what is in a document.
Blog: Web Insights Blog posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Digital Strategy Team | Categories: University Communications
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