BLOG: Web Insights Blog

June 30, 2022: Website updates

This week's website updates include a variety of modifications and updates intended to improve site speed and user experience. 

They are:

  • Adding a college-level filter to the Program Finder so users are able to search for all programs within a specific college.
    • Users will now be able to search for and view all programs within a single college.
  • Updating the "Courses" and "What will transfer" buttons on program pages to open in a new tab.
    • By opening these links in new tabs, users will not lose their place on the program page they were visiting and be able to continue their research once done with the course and transfer information.
  • Updating the max size of images and documents to a 1 MB limit for images and a 5 MB limit for documents. 
    • This prevents exceptionally large files from being stored in the DAM and taking up space.
    • Large files also take a long time to load; limiting the sizes will make sure loading time is limited.

View the full list of website release notes here.

Blog: Web Insights Blog posted | Last Modified: | Author: by Digital Strategy Team | Categories: University Communications
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