Family Central
Student support from acceptance through graduation and beyond
College marks a life-changing chapter in your student's life. At Central Michigan University, we take their time here seriously, supporting their learning from day one. From their first class to their walk across the graduation stage, our goal is to make sure they feel supported through every single step of their educational journey.
Student success doesn't just happen on campus. Family members – including parents, grandparents, siblings, significant others, and other relatives – serve as an important supporting cast in students' success at college. Therefore, we have a vested interest in providing knowledge and resources to assist you during your student's time here.
The goal of this website is simple – to inform, educate, and support your student's success. Here you can discover a wealth of knowledge, including resources, frequently asked questions, contact information, important dates and other items specific to family members.
Our support also extends to you, too. If at any point you need assistance for your student, feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to help in any way possible.
Parent and family guide
Your student is supported by many resources throughout campus! Check out the Parent and family guide to understand all that is available - from academic support to CMU processes and services.