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Fired up and Focused

Neerajan Nepal

Ph.D. Candidate, Physics


Neerajan Nepal came to Central Michigan University for the physics.

He stayed for the nuclear astrophysics.

After graduating with an undergraduate degree from Tribhuvan University in the country of Nepal, Neerajan was in search of a graduate school where he could conduct research in an academic setting.

That's when he found CMU.

"I started to read about CMU, and I was impressed by the research and other academic opportunities," he said.

He was so impressed he decided after earning his master's degree to stay at CMU and pursue a Ph.D.

When looking at CMU's doctorate programs, Neerajan again wanted to focus on research. So, he turned to the stars.

"The nuclear astrophysics research here at CMU looked attractive to me," he said. "Nuclear astrophysics helps to understand the physics of stars and how they change. It also explains parts of the cycles of birth and death of the stars."

Neerajan joined the research group of Alfredo Estrade, a faculty member in CMU's department of physics.

Neerajan has conducted research on the process that creates heavy elements like gold in stars and is part of an international collaboration researching the radioactive decay of neutron-rich isotopes.

"The courses offered at CMU are on the cutting edge of physics, and the faculty are always enthusiastic to deliver the knowledge and skills related to the course matter," Neerajan said. "This makes me motivated to learn new things and helps in being capable of continue working in this field in the future."

And that's exactly what he plans on doing.

"After graduation, I want to continue my research or academic work to gain more understanding about the formation of stars and the universe."

Fast Facts

  1. Neerajan is a member of the Society of Physics Students at CMU.
  2. He represents CMU as a member of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics.
  3. Neerajan learned of CMU through a friend’s brother, who was attending graduate school here.

Fun Fact

Neerajan took part in the Winter School on Nuclear Astrophysics in China in 2016.


Tansen, Nepal


Ph.D. in Science of Advanced Materials


College of Science and Engineering

Expected Graduation

December 2020

The courses offered at CMU are on the cutting edge of physics, and the faculty are always enthusiastic to deliver the knowledge and skills related to the course matter.