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Alumni Board of Directors gather around a plaque outdoors.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Central Michigan University Alumni Association Board of Directors represents the interests of all CMU alumni by providing meaningful opportunities and connections for maintaining involvement with and commitment to Central Michigan University.​

The Alumni Association Board of Directors fills board vacancies by appointment. Interest forms are accepted on a rolling basis. To be eligible for membership, alumni must have a degree from Central Michigan University and must also be or become a Gold Member of the Alumni Association. Members serve a three-year term and may be eligible to serve up to three additional, consecutive terms. The number of vacant seats each year varies based on returning board members and expiring terms.

Meet the CMU Alumni Association Board of Directors 

Bret Hyble '82, '86

Alumni Board Member

Mount Pleasant, MI
Bret Hyble is an Alumni Board member and he is wearing a brown suit with a yellow tie with a pattern and a white button down shirt.
Mount Pleasant

Bachelor of Science, Marketing, 1982.   Masters of Arts, Athletic Administration, 1986

Carol Hyble - Masters of Arts, Higher Education and Administration, 1987

Professional Title:
President & CEO.  Mt. Pleasant Area Chamber of Commerce

Favorite Spot on Campus:
The football stadium

Favorite CMU Memory:
The first weekend after school started my freshman year.

Why do you serve as an ambassador of the University? :
I am proud of my Central Michigan University education and loved my experiences on campus. I hope by serving, I am helping CMU to grow, prosper and continue great traditions.

What makes you most excited to give back to CMU? :
Seeing family and people I know enroll, attend and enjoy CMU.