The Central Michigan University Alumni Association Board of Directors represents the interests of all CMU alumni by providing meaningful opportunities and connections for maintaining involvement with and commitment to Central Michigan University.
The Alumni Association Board of Directors fills board vacancies by appointment. Interest forms are accepted on a rolling basis. To be eligible for membership, alumni must have a degree from Central Michigan University and must also be or become a Gold Member of the Alumni Association. Members serve a three-year term and may be eligible to serve up to three additional, consecutive terms. The number of vacant seats each year varies based on returning board members and expiring terms.
Meet the CMU Alumni Association Board of Directors
J.J. Lewis '06
Alumni Board Member
Simi Valley, CA

Simi Valley, California
The UC
There are so many! I will never forget my experiences with Greek Life, Student Activities, Student Government and the Volunteer Center. Being able to be involved on campus with these groups helped create lasting friendships and memorable experiences. I will always remember coming into the UC every morning at 8 am to open the Volunteer Center, and grabbing dinner with friends after the Monday night SGA meeting. I will never forget cheering on my Phi Tau brothers as the first base coach during our games, or helping create the first Relay For Life event on campus.
Giving back is important to me, thanks in part to my undergraduate experiences at CMU. And those experiences have helped equip me to put my own stamp on the world. Being an ambassador allows me to highlight the amazing work that is happening on and off campus for students and alumni alike. And hopefully through these highlights, encourage my fellow alumni to engage with the University and students to consider CMU to earn their degree. And finally, part of my Fraternity's creed is " I shall be loyal to my college and my chapter and shall keep strong my ties to them that I may ever retain the spirit of youth," and being an ambassador is a perfect way to show my loyalty to CMU and deep pride in what CMU provides our community.
What is most exciting about giving back to CMU... is having the opportunity to represent our 200,000+ alumni who are doing amazing things, thanks to their CMU experiences, across the globe. And finding ways to engage with our alumni to show how we are all putting our stamp on the world!