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Sample Statements for Teaching Syllabi

To encourage success and connect students with helpful resources, consider including statements of expectations related to academic work, course policies, and where to seek support resources in your course syllabus. Including explicit statements regarding classroom and university policies and procedures can elevate your syllabus' transparency and provide additional resources to learners. Below is a list of sample statements and template language to guide student access and use of various student support resource offices across campus. As always, please discuss the specific course and departmental policies with your chair. 

Recommended statements

Optional statements

Academic integrity 

Because academic integrity is a cornerstone of the University’s commitment to the principles of free inquiry, students are responsible for learning and upholding professional standards of research, writing, assessment, and ethics in their areas of study. In the academic community, the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty. Written or other work students submit must be the product of their own efforts and be consistent with appropriate standards of professional ethics. Academic dishonesty, which includes cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of dishonest or unethical behavior, is prohibited. Behaviors that constitute academic dishonesty are listed in the  CMU Bulletin or in the university’s Academic Integrity Policy.

Academic integrity (referencing AI)

This modified statement includes suggested language regarding AI-related content.

Because academic integrity is a cornerstone of the University’s commitment to the principles of free inquiry, students are responsible for learning and upholding professional standards of research, writing, assessment, and ethics in their areas of study. In the academic community, the high value placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty. Written or other work students submit must be the product of their own efforts and be consistent with appropriate standards of professional ethics. Academic dishonesty, which includes cheating, plagiarism, and other forms of dishonest or unethical behavior, including submitting artificial intelligence (AI)-generated products as your own original work, is prohibited. Behaviors that constitute academic dishonesty are listed in the  CMU Bulletin or in the university’s Academic Integrity Policy.


CMU provides students with disabilities reasonable accommodations to participate in educational programs, activities, or services. Students with disabilities requiring accommodations to participate in class activities or meet course requirements should register for services through Student Disability Services, 120 Park Library, 989-774-3018.

Accommodation of Religious Obligation

If an academic or work requirement conflicts with your religious practices and/or observances, you may request reasonable accommodations. Your request must be in writing, and your instructor or supervisor will review the request. See the Accommodation of Religious Obligations policy for additional information.

Adobe software

For courses that require students to use Adobe Express Premium software

As part of your coursework and/or research, you will be required to use Adobe Express Premium software. This software is provided at no cost to you and can be requested using this form. You will be notified via email with additional information and tutorials for accessing, downloading, installing, and logging into the software.

For courses that require students to use Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps software

As part of your coursework and/or research, you will be required to use one or more software applications within the Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps collection. This software is provided at no cost to you and can be requested using this form. You will be notified via email with additional information and tutorials for accessing, downloading, installing, and logging into the software.

Artificial intelligence-generated materials

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools and platforms (e.g., ChatGPT, Google AI,, Jasper, etc.) are new technological additions to the higher education landscape and are rapidly evolving. Submitting text and other products generated by AI tools and platforms as your own original work is prohibited and a violation of CMU’s Academic Integrity policy. If the use of AI tools and platforms is appropriate within the context of a course, guidance on properly utilizing them, and appropriate methods of citation for direct quotations, ideas, diagrams, code, or paraphrased text generated through AI will be provided by your instructor.

Civic participation

Central Michigan University complies with the Higher Education Act (1993 and 2013) to aid university students in their civic participation (e.g., voting in elections). Therefore, I encourage you to visit (or an appropriate corresponding website for your state), where you can register to vote, request an absent voter ballot, find your polling station, view your ballot, and/or sign up to work the polls on Election Day.

Class engagement and attendance

It is important that students are actively involved in the learning process; therefore, there is an expectation that students will attend class and actively participate. This expectation will be met through regular (daily) student engagement with course materials (virtually and in person) and successful, timely completion of all course assignments. If you know that you will be out of town or miss coursework for an extended period, please contact me ahead of time to make other arrangements for assignments.

Classroom civility and communication etiquette

Each student is encouraged to help create an environment that promotes learning, dignity, and mutual respect for everyone. This applies to all aspects of the class, particularly communication and other interactions. Students who use offensive language, are verbally abusive, display disrespect to others, post inappropriate or offensive pictures or comments, or exhibit other inappropriate behaviors may be subject to disciplinary action under the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Disciplinary Procedures.

Effective communication is vital in your academic and future career. The following communication policy outlines behaviors that are and are not appropriate in all methods of communication in the online and face-to-face class environment. Any questions about this policy should be addressed with the instructor.

When communicating, DO:

  • Ask questions about class material.
  • Ask questions about assignments.
  • Respond to other students in a way that will thoughtfully and appropriately provoke conversation.

When communicating, DO NOT:

  • Use offensive or abusive language.
  • Mock or make derogatory comments.
  • Display inappropriate pictures or graphics.

Classroom threats and safety

The unthinkable: fire, severe weather, or threat of violence can strike at any time. It takes all of us working together to prepare for and take action during an emergency. In the event of campus violence, imminent danger, or threat, we will do the following:

  1. If possible, we will GET OUT: remain calm and quiet as we will flee to safety as directed by the instructor (or pre-assigned student volunteer).
  2. If we can’t get out, we will HIDE OUT: if it’s not safe to exit, lights will be turned off, and all doors will be locked and barricaded, if possible. We will move to a predetermined safe zone in the classroom and remain calm and quiet until help arrives or we are notified that it is safe to leave.
  3. If a violent threat enters the room, we must TAKE them OUT. Every classroom is different, and some instructors/students might have special training that would be useful in such a situation or special needs that must be addressed.

For more information, visit CMU’s emergency management website.

Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Disciplinary Procedures

Each member of the Central Michigan University community assumes an obligation regarding self-conduct to act in a manner consistent with and respect for the rights of others and with the University's function as an educational institution. As guides for individual and group actions within this community, the University affirms the general principles of conduct described in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures.

Computer, internet, and technology requirements

Interactions between faculty and students will occur in person or via CMU-affiliated technology: email and Blackboard. All email communication for this course will be through It is vital that you check your CMU email daily. All course materials, notifications, assignments, and grades will be posted and completed through Blackboard. Student tutorials for Blackboard use may be found here.

Students taking this course must also have access to a computer with email and internet capabilities. Additionally, programs such as Microsoft Office (or comparable applications) also need to be installed and up to date to access/view/submit required digital, text, and web-based course materials (e.g., videos, PDF, PowerPoint, Excel, and/or Word documents). View this list of free software available for student use or Contact the CMU IT HelpDesk for assistance with access.

Before beginning the course, it is vital that you test any computer intended for use in online coursework for basic compatibility with Central Michigan University systems and tools. To do this, review the System Requirements. 

Devices and technology during class 

When using technology during class, please be respectful of your neighbors. Non-course related activity can be distracting and has shown to decrease your learning and that of your peers. All non-course related activities, including homework for other classes, should occur outside our classroom and class times. 

Email etiquette

All email communication for this course will be through It is vital that you check your CMU email daily. When you e-mail me, please use complete sentences. Include a salutation, state your concern, and sign your e-mail with your name. Please treat email as a formal and professional communication mechanism. I will address you and treat you as adults (both in person and through email), and I expect the same in return. I will not respond to emails that are impolite, disrespectful, or without appropriate grammar. 

Expectations for students

It takes great effort to be a successful student. It is your responsibility to be self-motivated and self-disciplined in order to keep yourself on schedule with course materials (and not fall behind). Second, an open communication channel between us is important. We must keep connected and interact with one another. If you have questions, please feel free to use email or phone to contact me or use the discussion board to contact your classmates. Below, I have listed several expectations that will help facilitate success in this class. Students should: 

  • Interact with the course/content daily. Engage in-class sessions and content, check e-mail, read Announcements on Blackboard, and review course materials daily.
  • Ask for help. Communicate with me if/when problems/difficulties/confusion arise; do not wait until the end of the semester to contact me. 
  • Take responsibility for your learning. The more time put into any course, the more beneficial the outcome, both in overall learning and assessments. 
  • Don’t miss assignments. Missed assignments are the most detrimental consequence that interferes with student success in this course. 
  • Earn your grade. There will be absolutely no free points, grade bumps, or % rounding in this course. I will work with you as best I can during the semester to help you meet your grade goal, but I will not change your earned grade for any reason. 

Expectations for the instructor

Just as I have expectations for you, the following is what I will do (at a minimum) to ensure efficient teaching and learning. I will:

  • Check my email daily.
  • Respond to course-related questions within 48 hours. If I find those questions relevant to others, I will email them to the entire class or post them on the Announcement page.
  • Post announcements or email reminders as needed.
  • Thoughtfully design and implement appropriate course materials to aid in learning, application, reinforce concepts, and encourage the making of connections.
  • Clearly communicate the material with applicable examples and practice. 
  • Be accessible and maintain an open dialogue with students.
  • Give feedback on submitted assignments via email and/or Blackboard, within 7 days of their due date. It is recommended that students check their grades weekly (Blackboard, Course Grades menu) to ensure timely communication with the instructor.

Financial wellness*

I understand that the majority of college students experience some type of financial insecurity at some point-from lack of steady income to housing insecurity to confusion about debt or financial aid-and that these stresses can impact their lives on campus. Students do not need to navigate these challenges on their own. CMU’s Financial Wellness Collaborative, located in Bovee UC 116A, offers 1:1 Peer Coaching for students to talk about scholarships, budgeting, credit, and debt, paying back school loans, and many other financial issues. They are a first-stop resource for students who are feeling overwhelmed or confused about their financial situations.

Food insecurity*

One in three CMU students report being hungry without immediate means to satisfy that hunger. I understand that being hungry makes learning and succeeding in college difficult. CMU has a Student Food Pantry and a list of community resources available to address concerns related to food insecurity and other basic needs.

Harassment and discrimination 

You have a right to feel safe and supported while pursuing your degree at CMU. Central Michigan University, an AA/EO institution, strives to maintain our campus as a place of work and study for faculty, staff, and students that is free of all forms of prohibited discrimination and harassment based upon age, color, disability, ethnicity, familial status, gender, gender expression, gender identity, genetic information, height, marital status, national origin, political persuasion, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, race, religion, sex, sex-based stereotypes, sexual orientation, veteran status, or weight. Any student who has concerns about such behavior should contact their instructor or the Office of Civil Rights and Institutional Equity at Bovee UC 306, 989-774-3253 or

Help Desk

The CMU Help Desk is your primary resource for technological assistance. If you experience technical difficulty, please call 989-774-3662 or visit the IT HelpDesk website.


CMU prides itself on being "an inclusive community of scholars" and adheres to the core values of "integrity, respect, compassion, inclusiveness, social responsibility, excellence, and innovation." As such, I intend for this learning environment to be a place where you feel respected and valued and have your identities supported and affirmed (e.g., race, class, gender, gender identity, national origin). If you experience marginalization or discrimination in this class, please let me know so we can make our learning environment more inclusive and just. I can help connect you to resources or make adjustments to better meet your needs.

Incomplete grades

An incomplete is a temporary grade used by the instructor in cases when a student is unable to complete course requirements because of illness or other justifiable circumstances. It is assigned only in cases in which the student has completed satisfactorily the major portion of the course requirements and has convinced the instructor of their ability to complete the remaining work without re­-registering for the course. It is not given to a student who is already doing failing work.

It is the student's responsibility to contact the instructor to make arrangements for assigning an “I” grade and for completing the remaining work. If incomplete coursework has not been completed by the specified due date, the “I” will be retained as the permanent grade. An “I” may not be removed by re-registering for the course. Full details regarding incomplete grade eligibility and policies are presented in the CMU Bulletin.

International students*

Welcome to CMU and this class! While you are probably already familiar with the  Office of Global Engagement, there are many other services on campus that you may find helpful. All CMU services are available to domestic and international students alike. There is free support for mathematic skills (Mathematics Assistance Center) and writing (Writing Center), as well as tutoring for specific classes you may want help with (Academic Advising and Assistance). As you approach graduation or begin looking for an internship, you may also want to visit the Career Development Center

Late assignments

Late assignments will be reduced by 20% if received within one week of the due date. Assignments received later than one week will be reduced by one letter grade. All work must be completed to receive credit for the course. Missing assignments will result in a failing grade, so please catch up if you get behind. No late work will be accepted after the course end date.

LGBTQ, chosen names, personal pronouns, restroom locations*

Everyone has the right to be addressed by the name and pronouns that correspond to their gender identity, including non-binary pronouns (e.g., they/them/theirs). Rosters do not list pronouns, so while you are not obligated to do so, you may indicate the pronouns you use so that I do not make assumptions based on your name and/or appearance/self-presentation. Chosen names and pronouns are to be respected at all times in the classroom (access Central Michigan University's name change policies and forms).

Mistakes in addressing one another may happen, so I encourage an environment of openness to correction and learning. I will not, however, tolerate repeated comments that disrespect or antagonize students who have indicated pronouns or a chosen name. Chosen names and personal pronouns may evolve over time, so if at any point during the semester, you would like to be addressed differently, please let me know.

Our class meets in [building name goes here]; the closest gender-inclusive restroom is located [location goes here]. Please take care of yourself and take your time in accessing the bathroom that fits your needs. You can find more information, including a list of gender-inclusive bathroom locations, here.

See CMU's Gender Recognition and Lived/Chosen Name Policy for further information. 

LGBTQ equality statement*

I am firmly committed to diversity and equality in all areas of campus life. In this class, I will work to promote an anti-discriminatory environment where LGBTQ students feel safe and welcome. I recognize that discrimination can be direct or indirect and take place at both institutional and personal levels. I believe that such discrimination is unacceptable, and I am committed to providing equality of opportunity for all by eliminating any and all discrimination, harassment, bullying, or victimization. If you need additional support or access to resources, please reach out to the Director of the Office of LGBTQ Services & Gender Equity Programs.

Library and research services

As a CMU student, you have full access to the services and resources of the CMU Library. The CMU Library website provides more information about helpful library services and resources. Reference librarians will help you find information on your research topic and answer other questions related to the library. Working with a librarian is a great way to make the research process easier and save yourself time and effort. To request help, email a librarian or call 989-774-3470. If you need a copy of a particular journal article or book --or many articles and books-- the library’s Documents on Demand office is the place to go. E-mail Documents on Demand or call 989-774-3022 for copies of the items you need. These services are free to students.


    No makeup for missed assignments will be permitted without approval by the course instructor, which also requires substantial documented evidence from the proper authorities. Students with extended absences due to illness or other excused reasons should contact the instructor about making up required coursework as soon as possible. Please note: technical difficulties do not constitute a valid excuse.

    Mathematics Assistance Center

    The CMU Mathematics Assistance Center provides free tutoring in mathematics and statistics to students enrolled in select courses. Tutoring is available online and via telephone. To see which courses qualify and to register, visit the CMU Math Assistance Center website.

    Mental health matters*

    It is important to take care of your emotional well-being. I recognize that students can experience mental health challenges that make learning difficult. If you find that life stresses such as increased anxiety, feeling down, strained relationships, suffering a loss, or dealing with a personal struggle are interfering with your academic or personal success, CMU is here to help. Please consider contacting the CMU Counseling Center in Foust 102 by calling 989-774-3381 for free, confidential counseling services. More information and other resources are available at the CMU Counseling Center, or we can schedule a meeting, and I can connect you to resources. You are not alone, I am available to assist you in connecting with resources that might best meet your needs.

    Military veterans*

    I value the experience, unique contributions, and challenges faced by veterans, military members, and their dependents in my class. I strongly encourage connecting with the CMU Veterans' Resource Center if you have not already done so. I would be interested in hearing your experiences, concerns, or questions if you would like to share them. Your success in my class is my main mission, so please come to me for support with classroom material. You are welcome any time in my office hours, or email for appointments at other times.

    Presentation Skills Center

    The CMU Presentation Skills Center (PSC) is a free online service for all CMU students, providing technological facilities and instructional expertise to students seeking to develop and enhance the presentation skills vital for personal and professional success. With consultations available face-to-face and online, the PSC supports students with public speaking, debate, group presentations, sales pitches, interviews, and more. The PSC provides opportunities for creating and enhancing the content and delivery of speeches, rehearsing presentations, offering detailed feedback on performances, refining persuasive appeals, and managing stage fright/communication apprehension. For additional information, visit

    Recordings of class sessions

    Recordings are not intended to replace or substitute for attending lectures synchronously, but I recognize that some students will miss lecture on some days. For this reason, recordings of each synchronous class/lecture will be available shortly after each class. I use <MS Teams or WebEx> to record class lectures. As soon as links are available, I will post these <identify where students can access recordings (i.e., Blackboard)>. If you miss a class meeting for any reason, make sure to get the notes from a peer who attended and watch the recordings. Enrollment in this course indicates your consent to audio and video recording for educational purposes related to this course.


    If you would like to contest a grade on a quiz or assignment, you must submit a written (email is fine) explanation of why you think the grade was incorrect. Re-grade requests must be made within one week after the exam or assignment is completed. 

    Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy

    CMU strives to eradicate sexual and gender-based misconduct through primary prevention and ongoing awareness programs, education, training, clear policies, and serious consequences for acts of sexual and gender-based misconduct. With the exception of the confidential resources named explicitly within the Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy, CMU staff and faculty are responsible employees and are required to report any information they know about possible sexual and gender-based misconduct to the Title IX Coordinator in OCRIE at (989) 774-3253. Reports to OCRIE are intended to provide options and resources to survivors. Please keep these reporting obligations in mind as you seek support from staff and faculty you trust, and know that there are also support centers on campus that will maintain confidentiality, which includes  Sexual Aggression Peer Advocates (989-774-2255) and the CMU Counseling Center (989-774-3381). Inquiries about the application of Title IX can be made to CMU’s Title IX Coordinator, the US Department of Education’s Assistant Secretary, or both. CMU’s Title IX Coordinator can be reached at 103 E. Preston St., Bovee University Center, Suite 306, Mount Pleasant, MI 48858, 989-774-3253.

    Students who are caregivers*

    For many CMU students, the responsibilities of being a student are balanced with the responsibilities of being a parent or caregiver. I encourage you to communicate with me via office hours or email about how I can support your success in this class.

    The University Ombuds**

    The Ombuds serves as a designated neutral for students, staff, and faculty seeking assistance with university-related concerns. Ombuds provide impartial, informal, independent, and confidential assistance to office visitors. Please understand that in cases of imminent threat of harm and/or suspected violation of CMU’s Sexual and Gender-Based Misconduct Policy, confidentiality cannot be guaranteed. The Ombuds works with visitors to identify possible options and additional resources, as well as policies and processes to be aware of in pursuing informal or formal resolution and grievance procedures. However, the Ombuds may not participate in these formal processes.  The Ombuds may offer alternative perspectives; facilitate interpersonal dialogue; and help visitors prepare for difficult discussions. Contact the Ombuds at 989-774-3010 and at The office is located in Warriner Hall 214. More information is online at

    Writing Center

    The Writing Center is a free resource that assists with any writing, at any level, from any discipline. The Writing Center is open to all current students, faculty, and staff. We regularly work with undergraduate and graduate writers from various disciplines, including non-native English speakers.

    For additional information, visit the CMU Writing Center website: 

    * Members of the Multicultural, Diversity, and Education Council (MDEC) academic senate committee created these statements in partnership with various campus offices after different student subpopulations voiced the importance of supportive and inclusive syllabus statements through the ongoing Hearing Diverse Voices panel series.

    ** The University Ombuds Office contributed this statement for inclusion in the sample syllabus statement collection.