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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Resources

With the rapid advance of Artificial Intelligence (AI), higher education institutions must engage in thoughtful discussion about AI’s impact on teaching, learning, curriculum, research, careers, and the broader societal implications. We have developed this page of resources, organized by themes, to keep our faculty and staff informed about AI. Because AI tools and news about AI are rapidly evolving, this site will be reviewed and updated regularly. (last reviewed 5/21/24)

NOTE: The curated list of resources is for information only and does not reflect CMU’s stance on or preference for AI tools. 

Unveiling the Future: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems everywhere in the public sphere. AI impacts the information we receive, how our healthcare is determined, the music we listen to, and the advertisements we serve. See below for recordings from recent CMU-hosted AI sessions.

GPT: Generating Pedagogical Transformation (resource added 3/20/24) CMICH login required

Asim Ali, Ph.D. - Executive Director, Biggio Center for the Enhancement of Teaching & Learning | Auburn University

This session explores the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence in higher education, focusing on the transformative potential of Generative AI. Dr. Asim Ali delves into the fundamentals of AI, distinguishing what sets humans apart from machines and the ethical implications of this technology in academia. We also highlight innovative ways AI is being integrated into teaching strategies to elevate cognitive engagement, serve as a personalized learning aid, and foster a collaborative educational environment.

The AI Opportunity: Innovation & Insights  (resource added 3/20/24) CMICH login required

Amy Hinchey - Senior Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft for Windows

CMU alumna and Microsoft for Windows Senior Marketing Manager Amy Hinchey shares insights she has gained over the last two years building short to long-range product roadmaps with a variety of AI features currently in market and yet to come.  Amy also shares insights and demonstrations of AI's fundamentals and its transformative potential in everyday life.

Lessons Learned Panel Discussion (resource added 3/20/24) CMICH login required

Dr. Asim Ali facilitates a panel discussion with members from CMU’s AI Faculty Learning Communities, delving into the nuanced exploration of AI through multiple lenses.

Understanding generative AI

Handout: AI Terms Cheat Sheet (resource added 3/5/24)

Article: Collaborating with artificial intelligence? Use your metacognitive skills (resource added 11/10/23)

Article: Generative AI exists because of the transformer: This is How it Works (resource added 11/10/23)

Video: ChatGPT Doesn't Know Anything (2:57) (resource added 10/4/23)

Video: Practical AI for Instructors and Students Part 1: Introduction (10:16) (resource added 8/25/23)

AI in teaching

Article: Indecision About AI in Classes Is So Last Week (resource added 1/15/24)

Article: ChatGPT Has Changed Teaching. Our Readers Tell Us How (resource added 12/15/23)

Article with video: Helpful or Harmful? How AI Shaped Education In 2023 (resource added 12/15/23)

Graphic: Bloom’s Taxonomy Revisited (resource added 12/1/23)

Video: Machine Learning, AI, and the Future of Education|Marc Natanagara |TEDxBrookdaleCommunityCollege 
(10:09) (resource added 11/10/23)

Report: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Teaching and Learning Insights and Recommendation 
(resource added 10/4/23)

Article: Are Your Students Ready for AI? A Four-Step Framework to Prepare Learners for a ChatGPT World
(resource added 8/25/23)

101 Creative Ideas to Use AI in Education (resource updated 10/04/23)

AI and assessing student learning

Example: Sean Nufer “Engaging Advertisement” Assignment (resource added 12/1/23)

Guide: Promoting Authenticity of Student Work in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: A Faculty Guide from the Center for Teaching and Learning Enhancement at Lamar University (resource added 10/4/23)

Graphic: 6 Strategies for AI Integration in Classroom Assessment (resource added 10/4/23)

Article: What to do about assessments if we can’t out-design or out-run AI? (resource added 8/25/23)

Writing in an age of AI

Article: How to Resist the Temptation of AI When Writing (resource added 4/16/24)

Tool: Template Phrases for Critiquing AI Outputs (resource added 11/10/23)

Podcast: Teaching in Higher Ed: Teaching Writing in the Age of AI (37:03) (resource added 8/25/23)

Academic integrity and detection

Paper: Academic Integrity and Assignment Design – MLA-CCCC Joint Task Force on Writing and AI ( (resource added 10/4/23)

Article: We tested a new ChatGPT-detector for teachers. It flagged an innocent student. (resource added 8/25/23)

Article: Why AI detectors think the US Constitution was written by AI | Ars Technica (resource added 8/25/23)

Article: GPT Detectors are Biased Against Non-Native English Writers (resource added 8/25/23)

Conversation Transcript from The Chronicle of Higher Education: Nobody Wins in an Academic-Integrity Arms Race (resource added 8/25/23)

Article:  Means. Motive, Opportunity: A Composite Narrative about Academic Misconduct (resource added 8/25/23)

AI in your syllabus

Interactive tool: Generative AI Syllabus Statement Tool (Seaver College) (resource added 10/4/23)

The Sentient Syllabus Project (resource added 8/25/23)

Bringing AI into the classroom

Article: An In-Class AI Exercise to Help Your Students Get Hired (resource added 5/21/24)

Article: Embracing the future of Artificial Intelligence in the classroom: the relevance of AI literacy, prompt engineering, and critical thinking in modern education (resource added 5/21/24)

Article: 4 Simple Ways to Integrate AI into Your Class (resource added 3/5/24)

Article: Can large language models provide useful feedback on research papers? A large-scale empirical analysis (resource added 11/10/23)

Article: Incorporating AI in Teaching: Practical Examples for Busy Instructors (resource added 10/4/23)

Article: 4 Steps to Help You Plan for ChatGPT in Your Classroom (resource added 8/25/23)

Article: Assigning AI: Seven Approaches for Students, with Prompts (resource added 8/25/23)

AI ethics and equity

Article: What Does Ethical AI Look Like? (resource added 5/7/24)

Article: Unilever Takes AI Ethics From Policy to Process (resource added 3/20/24)

Article: ‘Obviously ChatGPT’ — how reviewers accused me of scientific fraud (resource added 3/5/24)

Article: Ethical concerns mount as AI takes bigger decision-making role in more industries (Four Part Series) 
(resource added 12/15/23)

Blog: Accessibility of AI Interfaces (resource added 10/4/23)

Paper: The Affordances and Contradictions of AI-Generated Text for Second Language Writers 
(resource added 10/4/23)

CMU Podcast: What are the Ethical Concerns with AI? (19:27) (resource added 8/25/23)

Opinion: So what if ChatGPT wrote it? (resource added 8/25/23)

Article: Managing the Risks of Generative AI (resource added 8/25/23)

Article: AI Brings Opportunities And Risks To Workplace DEI Efforts (resource added 8/25/23)

Article: Humans Are Biased. Generative AI Is Even Worse (resource added 8/25/23)

Blog: Teaching AI Ethics (resource added 8/25/23)

Article: Should ChatGPT be Biased? Challenges and Risks of Bias in Large Language Models
(resource added 8/25/23)


Article:   GPT-4o explained: Everything you need to know (resource added 5/21/24)

Article: Microsoft unveils Phi-3 family of compact language models  (resource added 5/7/24) 

Article: New Chain-Of-Feedback Prompting Technique Spurs Answers And Steers Generative AI Away From AI Hallucinations (resource added 4/16/24)

Post: Prompt Library (Instructor Aids, Student Exercises, and Other Prompts) (resource added 4/16/24)

Video: Prompt Engineering for Beginners - Tutorial 17 - Anthropic Claude 3 (resource added 4/16/24)

Article: First Hands-On With Google’s New Gemini Ultra: How does it compare to ChatGPT and GPT-4? 
(resource added 3/5/24)

Article: Google Gemini explained: 7 things you need to know about the new Copilot and ChatGPT rival 
(resource added 3/5/24)

Article: 10 Prompt engineering techniques to improve your results (resource added 3/5/24)

Article: Student Use Cases for AI (resource added 12/1/23)

Podcast: The Higher EdTech Podcast: A Look at AI Tools in Fall 23 Part 1 and Part 2 (resource added 11/10/23)

Repository: Microsoft Prompts for Education: Enhancing Productivity & Learning (resource added 10/4/23)

Futurepedia: AI Tool Directory Updated Daily (resource added 8/25/23)

Chat GPT Prompting Cheat Sheet (resource added 8/25/23)

Advanced Guide to ChatGPT ( (resource added 8/25/23)

AI in Research

Article: Nature's Take: How will ChatGPT and generative AI transform research? (resource added 3/20/24)

Article: Generative AI Can Supercharge Your Academic Research (resource added 3/20/24)

Article: AI and Generative AI for Research Discovery and Summarization (resource added 3/20/24)

Article: 5 new hottest AI tools for research (resource added 3/5/24)

Resources from CMU Faculty Learning Communities (FLC)

AI and Equity FLC

AI Ethics FLC

Preparing Students for the Age of AI FLC

Exploring AI in Teaching and Research FLC

Other resources

Article: Universities must transform to ensure no one is left behind in the era of AI (resource added 1/15/24)

Article: Navigating the Jagged Technological Frontier: Field Experimental Evidence of the Effects of AI on Knowledge Worker Productivity and Quality (resource added 11/10/23)

Article: Centaurs and Cyborgs on the Jagged Frontier: I think we have an answer on whether AIs will reshape work (resource added 10/4/23)

How to Cite AI (APA) (resource added 8/25/23)

How to Cite AI (MLA) (resource added 8/25/23)

Adapting Coursework for the AI Age: A Comprehensive Self-Paced Course

In the evolving landscape of higher education, artificial intelligence offers transformative possibilities that require us to approach this new technology with enthusiasm and discernment. The self-paced workshop, “Adapting Coursework for the AI Age,” will answer questions such as: What are the potential benefits of generative AI? What concerns should educators be aware of? How can we ensure AI is used ethically and effectively? How can we leverage existing pedagogy to maximize student success?

The three interactive modules of this workshop will cover the benefits and concerns of AI in the classroom, provide ethical assessment strategies, and share practical strategies to incorporate AI into your course. To enroll in this workshop, email for access. (resource added 11/10/23)


Artificial Intelligence 101: Self-Paced Workshop

Designed with higher education faculty in mind, this self-paced workshop introduces the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI), making it a straightforward yet enriching journey into the world of modern technology.

The three interactive modules of this self-paced workshop will prepare users for further conversation and exploration of AI by simplifying terminology, getting acquainted with popular tools through hands-on activities, exploring common characteristics of generative AI, and providing a glimpse into the current trends and developments. Participants will reflect on how to successfully utilize AI by fostering an environment where they can visualize the potential implications and benefits of AI integration in higher education.  To enroll in this workshop, email for access. (resource added 9/22/23)