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CIS Services and Spaces

The Office of Curriculum and Instructional Support: a one-stop faculty support shop.


For all things teaching, curricula, assessment, and more, our specialized staff are here to help. Support services include:

  • Course design
  • Classroom management 
  • Curriculum development
  • Demonstration of student learning
  • Program and course delivery

Take the next step to enhance your teaching.

Pro services

The art, science, and administration of teaching often yield needs that can benefit from expert assistance. Our Pro Services: CoursePro, DesignPro, MediaPro and TLPro can respectively provide task-specific and holistic support as needed. 

  • CoursePro will assist in adding, deleting, configuring, and structuring content in CMU’s Learning Management System, Blackboard.  
  • DesignPro assists with aesthetic and accessible design needs for academic artifacts—from course syllabi and assignments to slides and custom graphics.
  • MediaPro offers professional-level support for audio/video media creation, editing and post-production, as well as live-streaming. Join us in one of our instructional studios or arrange for on-site production.
  • TLPro provides evidence-based support for teaching in any format through a variety of specialized offerings, including consultations, class observations, student surveys, Blackboard course reviews, instructional workshops, and more.

Instructional Studios

Audio and video are powerful tools to enhance teaching and learning. Located in the 413 suite of Park Library, our self-booking instructional studios enable the production of high-quality video content.

Academic systems

Our staff support faculty and academic administrators in facilitating CMU’s curriculum and assessment processes, including successful use of academic infrastructure systems.

  • Curriculum Management: Administration of the CMU Bulletins and structure for all curriculum proposal/approval stages.
  • Syllabus Support: Templates and resources for developing course syllabi.
  • Assessment Management: Structure and guidance for program-level assessment plans, reporting of findings, and on-going analysis.
  • Course Evaluations and Surveys: Support for distribution of the Student Opinion Survey (SOS) and use of resulting reports.

E-mail with your needs.