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Office Supplies

Preferred Supplier: Staples Advantage

Term: 9/26/2022 - 12/31/2025

CMU Contact: Makenzie Couling

Staples Key Account Manager: Janel Miller

Contract Highlights: Staples Advantage is CMU's approved supplier for office supplies and business essentials. This program represents a coordinated effort to improve our procurement processes and to significantly reduce supply expenses.

Staples has engaged with us to ensure a program that is simple to use, easy to manage, and tailored to our specific needs. This program provides all departments with the best overall value to support our supply requirements. 

Working with our dedicated Staples team, CMU has created a tailored program that offers:

• A trusted, reliable, and consistent source for products and services
• Customized pricing and preferred items for best overall savings
• Easy ordering through
• Free delivery on supplies
• Empowered and responsive customer service

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