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Student Service Fee and what it funds

We have seen a rise in the number of students seeking out support services such as counseling, advising, academic support, career development, success coaching and mental health support.

In 2018, the Board of Trustees approved a student service fee which is charged on a per-semester basis, to invest more heavily in these areas critical to student success.

All students, including those enrolled in online coursework and in experiential learning opportunities such as student teaching, internships, practicum, field work, etc. will utilize services provided in fee-recipient offices such as the Registrar’s Office (services include class registration, graduation audits, transfer credit processing, grade posting, student records, issuing diplomas, verifies and sends transcripts, etc.). In addition to campus-based resources, all students may use virtual/online support and success services such as those offered by the Career Development Center, the Writing Center, the Mathematics Assistance Center, general and faculty advising as well as the Office of Student Success, the Library, the Counseling Center (online and telemental health services), and student news/communications (email and online content). 

Student Service Fee breakdown

Academic student services – 22%

Examples of offices and services partially or fully supported by this fee include the Registrar’s Office and Interpreter Services.

Counseling and well-being – 19%

Examples of offices and services partially or fully supported by this fee include the Counseling Center.

Student Services - 40%

Examples of offices partially or fully supported by this fee include the Office of Student Success, Career Development Center, Multicultural Academics Student Services, the Office of Indigenous Affairs, and Sexual Aggression Services.

Student activities – 17%

Examples of offices partially or fully supported by this fee include the Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center, Student Activities and Involvement, and the Campus Programming Fund for students.

Student communication - 2%

An example of an office partially or fully supported by this fee includes CM Life.

For assistance with determining your cost for attending CMU, please visit our Cost of Attendance page.