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Alternative Break Site Leaders

"Site leading has helped me become a better problem solver, facilitator, and team leader. This experience has shaped my college career for the better.

Becoming a Site Leader 

The Alternative Breaks Advisory Board and the Volunteer Center are excited about your interest in being a Site Leader for the Alternative Breaks program! We are looking for enthusiastic leaders who are committed to leading a quality community service experience through direct service, reflection, and education.

An Alternative Break Site Leader entails a little bit of everything –leader, follower, accountant, alarm clock, educator, confidant, supervisor, and mostly, a support system. A Site Leader oversees the entire Alternative Break experience, from educating the participants to handling daily logistics and managing conflict within the group. They must know when being a Site Leader means switching roles between delegator, facilitator, or supervisor for the group.

Questions? Stop in the Volunteer Center in the Bovee University Center, Room 106 or email us at

Site Leader application requirements:

  • Minimum GPA of 2.25
  • Previous participation in at least one Break
  • Availability during Weekend, Winter, Spring, or Summer Breaks, and during all training dates
  • Completed Application and Interview

Required training dates:

Applications for the upcoming academic year will reopen in the Spring semester! Visit Engage Central under “forms” to apply. Please email us at if you have any questions. Stay tuned for updated information about training dates.

Alternative Breaks Site Leader responsibilities:

Site Leaders should anticipate dedicating approximately 3 hours a week to site leading responsibilities. This includes weekly office hours with your Co-Site Leader and weekly group meetings. Additional hours will be expected when there are required trainings, fundraisers, or other AB events. 

    Attend All Trainings: Site Leader Orientation, Site Leader Retreat, and Training Workshops 

    Attend Orientation and Kick-Off

    Coordinate and plan meaningful weekly meetings for group, including issue education, group building activities, etc.

    Hold a weekly office hour (at minimum) with your Co-Site Leader in the Alternative Breaks Office.

    Distribute and collect necessary paperwork from participants (this includes participant policies, hold harmless forms, driving paperwork, etc.)

    Contact housing and community partner (which are coordinated by the AB Board) prior to departure

    Coordinate and facilitate fundraisers to lower the cost of your break

    Complete a Site Overview with the Alternative Breaks Advisor 

    Check out money bag, pick up reflection supplies, coordinate van pick up from Enterprise 

    Lead meaningful reflections each day

    Participate and engage in meaningful service with the group

    Be the face of AB for the community partner and housing– keep group schedule and times in mind, coordinate daily tasks directly with supervisor at site, manage daily logistics, etc.

    Keep track of and organize all money (including credit cards, receipts, cash, etc)

    Handle conflict and emergencies in a calm and professional manner

    Return vans to Enterprise 

    Turn in reflection supplies, other materials, and credit cards and receipts in a timely fashion (as designated by AB Board)

    E-mail photos and legacy notes to Participant Engagement Chair or designated person within timely fashion of returning back to CMU

    Attend Re-Orientation Celebration

    Carry out planned Re-Orientation project with group