About the Financial Wellness Collaborative
Vision statement
The Financial Wellness Collaborative envisions a campus culture where all students are able to pursue their degree with a financial plan and feel supported through graduation.
Mission statement
Inspire confidence through student-centered financial education using resources that contribute to positive educational experiences and informed financial decisions, leading to graduation and a lifetime of financial well-being.
Guiding values
- Integrity
- Inclusion
- Intentionality
- Transparency
- Resourcefulness

Financial Wellness tips from our team!
- Practice the 50/30/20 rule whenever possible! This is a budget tip where you divide your income into three sections: 50% of your income goes toward your needs, 30% toward your wants, and 20% toward savings.
- Always go shopping with a list! Sticking to your list can help you stay within your budget and reduce the extras you. might buy without a list.
- Budget, budget, budget! It's hard to start one and keep up with it, but knowing how much money you have coming and going out will help you a lot in the long run.
- Explore campus resources! There are so many available to students for free that can help you become more financially stable.