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Student Pledges

I pledge to:

Download a pledge sheet.

I pledge to: “educate myself, to grow in my antiracist journey, to support all marginalized and underrepresented communities.” 

I pledge to: “confront racially objective practices and educate others on how to be racially inclusive. I pledge to be an ally.” 

I pledge to: “use my voice to lift the voices of those affected by racism.” 

I pledge to: “step in when I see or hear racist acts against anyone.” 

I pledge to: “use my voice to stand up and speak out against injustice, discrimination, and racism.” 

I pledge to: “treat everyone with respect and dignity.” 

I pledge to: “speak out about the inequity and biases that go on around me!” 

I pledge to: “hold myself accountable in standing up against microaggressions and not be a bystander.” 

I pledge to: “challenge myself to recognize my privilege, even in uncomfortable situations.” 

I pledge to: “encourage my students to actively question the systems and policies in place.” 

I pledge to: “check and correct the biases I may have.” 

I pledge to: “educate myself on the experiences people of color face in America and amplify their voices so others can learn from them too.” 

I pledge to: “better understand my own privilege, and recognize how others may not have the same privileges.” 

I pledge to: “educate myself, speak up, and have difficult conversations.” 

I pledge to: “continually evaluate myself and my identity and how it is connected to my privilege.” 

I pledge to: “use my privilege to fight for the communities that face discrimination.” 

I pledge to: “encourage inclusiveness and respect for EVERYONE on CMU’s campus.” 

I pledge to: “speak out and not be afraid to stand up for what’s right.” 

I pledge to: “continue to find new ways to get involved in promoting inclusion and diversity.” 

I pledge to: “be more vocal and not shy away from conflict or adversity.” 

I pledge to: “call out injustice where I see it.” 

I pledge to: “be an ally.” 

I pledge to: “use my voice to spread awareness of the importance of antiracism.” 

I pledge to: “use my privilege to educate others on the issues facing minority communities.”