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New Student Orientation for Freshmen Students

Orientation overview

We look forward to working with you as you begin your student experience at Central Michigan University! New Student Orientation is required for all main campus, first-year, degree-seeking students. 

What's required?

As a new freshman at CMU, you must complete three requirements:

#1 Pre- Orientation (self-paced online modules that must be completed by May 1 (or 10 days before your scheduled day if you registered after May 1), whether you are virtual or in-person

#2 Orientation Day (you registered for a virtual or in-person session) 

#3 Campus Life 101 (see below)

    You must be registered for an Orientation Day to access Pre-Orientation. More details are about the specific requirements are below. 

    #1  Pre-Orientation

    Due Date:
    Pre-Orientation is required and should be completed by May 1 (or 10 days before your registered date if you registered after May 1). You will complete the modules in Blackboard, CMU's learning management system, which you will use for your classes each semester. Some content is required and other content you are highly encouraged to check out before joining campus in the fall. Check out the quick video below to learn more.

    Start Pre-Orientation in Blackboard
    If you have trouble accessing Pre-Orientation on Blackboard, please contact New Student Orientation at

    Learn More about Pre-Orientation modules

    What is Blackboard?

    You can learn more about using Blackboard (Bb) by checking out the Blackboard Orientation for Students when you log into Bb. Both the orientation to learn about Bb and your required Orientation modules will be available after you log in.

    Please note: you need your CMU login information (Global ID and password) to access Blackboard.
    You should also check if your computer and browser can support the requirements needed

    #2  Orientation Day

    Attending an Orientation Day is required for all new students. You will attend your Orientation Day in-person or virtually, and Pre-Orientation modules must be completed beforehand.

    During your Orientation Day (in-person or virtual), you will join your new classmates for sessions introducing you to our CMU community and making the most of your time at Central. You’ll also plan and register for your first year of classes (fall and spring semesters) at CMU.

    #3  Campus Life 101

    Campus Life 101 is required and will be completed during the last few days before the fall semester begins.

    Campus Life 101 is your orientation continued as you move to campus and begin settling in as a new student. During the last few days before the fall semester begins, you will be required to complete three different sessions:

    1. Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention
    2. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    3. Campus Life and the Law

    Each of these sessions is in-person and you will be escorted to each session based on your residence hall community. You will receive more information about Campus Life 101 as the semester gets closer. You can also find information about Campus Life 101 here.

    Please note: No Zebras, No Excuses is a scenario-based presentation addressing the issues of sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking and harassment.

    Additional trainings during your first semester

    CMU is committed to developing a caring and supportive culture for our students. In order to accomplish that, we want to ensure that you are a part of this dialogue. That conversation starts with two required online training programs which you will complete during your first semester. These trainings include important information regarding diversity, equity and inclusion and sexual assault prevention. You will receive an email notification to access these trainings during your first semester and we encourage you to complete the trainings early so that you can be a part of the continued conversations to foster CMU’s caring and supportive culture. 

    Not sure what to do next?

    Make sure you are taking care of everything you need with our New Student Checklist.

    New Student Checklist