Frequently Asked Questions about Student Conduct
Does CMU have an alcohol and drug use policy?
Yes. Only students who are of legal drinking age may have alcoholic beverages in their residence hall rooms. They may not have more than one open container per 21-year-old resident and 21-year-old resident's guests. Guests of students under 21 cannot consume or possess alcohol regardless of their age. They cannot violate any local, state or university ordinances. Most new students will not be of legal age to consume alcohol. No one can consume or possess alcohol in open containers in lounges, recreation rooms, hallways, outdoors or in other public areas.
Consistent with federal law and the Drug Free Schools Act, CMU prohibits the illegal use of any controlled substance. CMU does not allow students to possess marijuana under any circumstance, regardless of medicinal status in the state of Michigan.
Why did you call my parents/guardians?
When our office attempts to contact you we use the phone numbers you have provided the university. In many cases you have not updated this phone number since you came to Orientation prior to your first year at CMU. If we do not have a local or cell phone number on record for you, your parents or guardians may receive a phone call inadvertently. To update your phone number on file with CMU, please log in to and update your account.
What can parents/guardians do to assist?
Our policies on alcohol and drug use are clear, and we view violations of these very strongly. We confront students and issues sanctions when we identify transgressions. Federal Law H.R. 6 allows universities to notify parents/guardians when violations occur. CMU will notify parents/guardians when students under age 21 are found in violation of an alcohol or controlled substance policy. We encourage parents/guardians to join us in an effort to prevent incidents that might interfere with their student's academic goals and personal well-being at CMU.
What behavior is expected of CMU students?
Students are expected to obey federal, state and local laws as well as the rules and regulations of the university. The Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures establish expectations for student behavior within the university community. This code also outlines acts on university-owned or controlled property that constitute unacceptable conduct by graduate and undergraduate students. All alleged violations of the code may result in referral to a conduct proceedings officer. The university also reserves the right to review students' off-campus conduct.
If a student is sanctioned under the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Disciplinary Procedures, will that action appear on a student's permanent university record?
No. A separate discipline file is maintained by the conduct proceedings officer. This record can be released to other educational institutions and CMU offices without a student's permission, perThe Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). However, any outside agencies must obtain a student's permission.
Do I have access to my student's disciplinary records?
Student records are kept confidential between the student and the university. These records may not be reviewed by parents without the student's permission. If a student would like to give permission to CMU to speak to their parents about a conduct issue, the student may print off the FERPA Waiver (linked below) and bring a signed copy to the Office of Student Conduct.
Does CMU have a policy regarding sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment of students, staff or faculty is prohibited at CMU. No member of the university community–including faculty, contract staff, classified staff, and students–may sexually harass any other member of the community. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and is illegal under the law as well as a violation of CMU policy. For more information, please see the CMU Sexual Misconduct Policy.