Graduate Assistant Training
Welcome new graduate assistants!
Each year, we welcome both new and returning students to Central Michigan University to pursue their graduate studies and to provide a valuable service to our university by being selected as a graduate assistant (GA). The GA is a highly coveted position. GA’s provide support to professors through research or independently teaching undergraduate courses. GA’s may also work in labs or in various units on campus.
Your department has chosen you as a top student to be a teaching, research or administrative GA. You will now take on extra duties as well as being a graduate student who is committed and dedicated to your academic pursuits. By accepting this appointment, we hope you realize the impact you will have on younger college undergraduates and on your chosen discipline.
The Director of Graduate Studies continually advocates for excellence regarding every aspect of the graduate experience. We are here to assist you. If you need to speak with us regarding aspects of graduate education such as your graduate assistantship, plan of study, or thesis or dissertation, please do not hesitate to make an appointment. Also, you can find a great deal of information and any form related to CMU graduate education you might need on our Graduate Studies website
And finally, let us know if CMU is not meeting your needs as a graduate student. We are always willing to consider new offerings; we just need to know what you need! The highly skilled creative workforce of tomorrow is developed through your graduate programs.
Again, we are pleased that you have chosen CMU for your graduate studies. We believe you will find your graduate work and employment here at CMU challenging and rewarding.
Note: New and returning GA's are required to complete an online training through Blackboard. You will automatically be enrolled in the training course and receive access to training content on August 1, 2024.