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Internal Funding Programs

Internal funding opportunities for faculty and staff

There are several programs designed to provide internal support for research, scholarship and creative endeavors by faculty and staff.

Internal Programs Overview 2023-2024. This link provides a description of ORGS' current internal support programs and their funding levels.

Faculty Research and Creative Endeavors (FRCE): The FRCE program is administered by a faculty committee appointed by the Academic Senate, with oversight and grant management provided by OSP.  FRCE provides support for:

  • Publications through Publication and Exhibition Cost Funds;
  • Presentations at meetings, conferences or exhibitions through Premier Display Funds;
  • Research, scholarship, or creative endeavors through Research Grants.

President's and Provost's Awards for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity:​     The President's Award for Outstanding Research and Creative Activity recognizes senior, tenured faculty members for their contributions to research and academic inquiry. The Provost's Award recognizes the achievements of junior faculty members. The nomination process for awards begins in fall semester. Recipients are chosen by a selection committee.

Student Mentorship Award: The Student Mentorship Award recognizes faculty who go above and beyond what is expected of individuals mentoring students whether they be involved with undergraduate students, graduate students, or both.

Proposal Match Guidelines: In order to promote CMU's efforts to secure increased external funding for research, education, outreach or creative projects, ORGS is committed to working with the academic colleges to provide match for proposals where this is explicitly required by the funding agency.

Research Incentive Award (RIA) Guidelines 2023-2024: An RIA provides re-assigned time (course release) for faculty who are successful in obtaining large external awards. (Note: Faculty in the College of Science and Engineering are not covered by the standard RIA policy but instead should consult the CS&E/ORGS Research and Grant Policies below.)

Vice President for Research and Innovation Discretionary Funds (VPRI Discretionary Funds): The VPRI Discretionary Funds are intended to provide support for unforeseen opportunities or address unexpected problems encountered during a project. These funds also support projects with commercial potential that need funding to engage in activities that support the further development of a concept. 

CSE ORGS Research Grant Program GuidelinesThe College of Science and Engineering (CS&E) and the Office of Research and Graduate Studies (ORGS) have developed research and grant guidelines to support faculty research.