Summer Extra Credit for Continuing Students
Get extra credit this summer. Enroll at least half time (study away courses do not qualify) and we will award you $500.
We’re excited to offer this program to help you earn your degree on your timeline. Earn credits and save money this summer with the Summer Extra Credit Program.
- Meet with your academic advisor to select the appropriate courses based on your academic program.
- Enroll in at least 6 credits over the summer sessions.
- Must not be on Satisfactory Academic Progress Suspension/Denial.
- No application is required to obtain this award.
- For additional details or questions, please connect with a Financial Aid Advisor.
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits for taking summer courses at CMU?
There are many benefits to taking summer courses at CMU. Taking summer courses allows you to get a head start on your next academic year or to catch up if you took a lighter course load during the previous academic year.
When do summer courses start and finish?
CMU offers many flexible summer session options between May and August. Students should work closely with an academic advisor to ensure they are taking courses that are relevant for their program. Academic advisors can help students navigate the varying dates of summer sessions. CMU's main campus academic calendar and CMU Online academic calendar are great resources. The course registration system will also list the start and end dates of summer courses.
Is this award available to new incoming students, graduate students, guest students, dual-enrolled students, or non-degree-seeking students?
No, you must be a current degree-seeking undergraduate student to be eligible.
I am a current undergraduate in a CMU Online program. Am I eligible?
Yes, as long as you are enrolled in at least 6 CMU credit hours over the summer sessions.
I am an international undergraduate student. Am I eligible?
Yes, as long as you are enrolled in at least 6 CMU credit hours over the summer sessions.
Are students using a CMU Employee or other tuition benefit eligible (e.g., employer reimbursement, military agreements, etc.)?
It depends.
- The CMU employee or other tuition benefit must be used first.
- The Summer Extra Credit can be stacked to cover tuition costs not already covered by your CMU employee or other tuition benefits, not to exceed tuition charges.
- The Summer Extra Credit will not cover other fees, like the Student Services Fee, special class fees, or other non-tuition charges, like housing and bookstore charges.
Can I change my mind and enroll in summer courses later?
Yes. CMU has courses that start at various times throughout the summer. The final group of classes begin June 30, 2025.
What if I drop a course and fall below 6 credits in summer 2025?
If you drop a course and your enrollment falls below the required minimum of 6 credits, then the full award will be removed from your student account. You will be responsible for the difference between the award and the tuition of the course that is dropped. Please review CMU’s official policies on dropping a course and speak with a OneCentral advisor.
What happens if my summer 2025 class is cancelled?
If CMU cancels a course, reach out to your academic advisor to explore alternative options based on your academic program.
What happens if I take summer courses but do not enroll this fall?
There is no requirement to attend CMU in the fall semester.
When will summer financial aid disbursements begin?
The first summer aid disbursement is expected on May 16. However, if your classes do not start until June 30, your aid will not disburse until about 10 days before your classes start.
Will my 2025-2026 scholarships apply to summer?
No. Financial aid offers for 2025-2026 academic year are available starting fall of 2025.
If I enroll, is my tuition due now or in the fall?
Tuition due dates
- Tuition for courses enrolled by May 3 will be due by June 2 before 5:00 pm.
- Tuition for courses enrolled between May 3 and June 1 will be due by July 1 before 5:00 pm.
- Tuition for courses enrolled after June 1 will be due by August 1 before 5:00 pm.
If I take a summer class, will it reduce the number of credits I need to take for the 2025-2026 academic year for my scholarship?
No. Merit scholarship renewal requirements begin in the fall semester.
Will this award reduce my eligibility for other resources during the school year, like work study?
Financial aid eligibility while enrolled for the summer 2024 session is separate from the 2024-2025 fall/spring financial aid package. However, the award may impact your eligibility for summer 2025 work-study.