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For Those Affected By Stalking

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What stalking entails

Stalking is repeated unwanted behavior directed at a specific person that could place that person in fear for their safety. While not an exhaustive list of the many stalking behaviors, these are some examples of what stalking behaviors could include: 

  • Following of another person
  • Phone calls/text messages/social media communication
  • Appearing at a person's place of residence, education, and/or employment

Some stalking is connected with a relationship, beginning either during the relationship or after it has ended. In these cases, the stalker is likely seeking to maintain or regain control over the victim. In other cases, the stalker may become fixated on a victim without ever having established a prior relationship with that person. Either type of stalker may keep the victim under surveillance and/or threaten them.​ All forms of stalking are unpredictable and should be considered dangerous. ​

You may experience

  • ​There is no single way in which people respond to stalking 
  • Common feelings may include: 
    • Fear
    • Annoyance
    • Trapped/Helplessness
    • Confusion
    • Anxiety/Worry
    • Numbness/Disconnected
    • Hopelessness
    • Isolated​
  • You may be concerned about how friends, family, co-workers, or your partner will respond or whether or not they will believe you.

Things to know

  • Experiencing stalking is not your fault. 
  • Stalking is often connected to Domestic Violence/Intimate 
    Partner Violence and/or sexual assault.
  • Stalkers often use technology.
  • Talking with a trained advocate can really make a difference.
  • Whether you experienced stalking recently or many years ago, you have the right to safety and freedom.
  • You have the right to support and assistance.

Safety considerations

​It is your choice what steps you choose to take. Be aware that all forms of stalking are unpredictable and should be considered dangerous. SAPA can assist you with crisis intervention and provide helpful information on safety planning and resources. Below is a list of suggestions you may find helpful:

  • If you are in immediate danger call 911.
  • If possible, get to a safe place.
  • Document all stalking behaviors, even things that may appear to be unrelated or minor.
  • Call someone you trust for emotional support.
  • Contact SAPA to speak to an advocate who can answer questions, discuss safety planning and 
    documentation, provide emotional support, and provide other resources as desired.  
