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Medical Information

It is always a survivor's choice whether or not to seek medical treatment. Survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, and/or intimate partner violence may have physical injuries or other medical needs. Even if no injuries are visible, there may be internal inquiries and/or other medical considerations that the survivor is unaware of. For this reason, we encourage survivors to consider seeking medical attention. 

SAPA advocacy information

Advocates are available to discuss medical options, SANE services, and/or to accompany survivors to McLaren Central Michigan Hospital. SAPA advocates are unable to accompany survivors to services outside of Mount Pleasant, MI city limits. Please contact SAPA to discuss these services.

SANE information

Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) nurses are trained and available to provide free forensic exams and evidence collection usually within the first 120 hours* following a sexual assault. Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners collect forensic evidence for a rape kit. They are also trained to provide survivors with competent and compassionate medical treatment.

If it has been longer than 120 hours* since the assault occurred or the survivor does not wish to pursue evidence collection, please still consider visiting your local emergency room and/or physician to receive medical treatment.

It is important to note that law enforcement will likely be contacted at the time of a medical forensic exam. It is not required for an adult survivor to make a police report in order to receive the exam and medical services. The age in which a person is considered an adult may vary state to state. In Michigan, the age a person is considered an adult is 18 years old.

*This number is based on McLaren Central Michigan Hospital's forensic exam policy and does not necessarily reflect the policy of all SANE programs.

Isabella County SANE Program

McLaren Central Michigan Hospital
1221 South Drive
Mount Pleasant, MI 48858
(989) 772-6777​


SANE Poster (Printable Version)

SANE Poster

For more information or to use services immediately, please speak with the emergency room receptionist. Forensic medical exams are available to individuals 12 years and older. 

Law enforcement and advocacy services will be contacted by McLaren Central Michigan Hospital when an individual is seeking a forensic medical exam. It is not required for an adult survivor to make a police report or utilize advocacy services in order to receive the exam and medical services. An adult in the state of Michigan is a person 18 years or older.

For additional information regarding McLaren Central Michigan Hospital's forensic exam services, please contact SAPA or McLaren Central Michigan Hospital directly.

Other SANE Programs

If you would like to receive information about other Central Michigan SANE programs, please see our Local, State, and National Resources page. 

Local, State, and National Resources

Sexual assault exam expenses

SAFE Response is a state-funded program that ensures sexual assault survivors are not billed for evidence exams and insurance co-pay fees. This funding is available regardless of whether or not a survivor chooses to report the assault to law enforcement.

Click the following link to find more information about SAFE Response or to locate claim forms