Mcnaught, Andrew
More about Andrew Mcnaught
Publications & Presentations
- McDonald, E.A., McNaught, A.S., and Roseman, E.F. 2013. Use of main channel and two backwater habitats by larval fishes in the Detroit River. J. Great Lakes Res. 40: 68-80.
- Kerfoot, W.C. and McNaught, A.S. 2010. Two-step dialogue between the cladoceran Bosmina and invertebrate predators: Induction and natural selection. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55: 403-419.
- McNaught, A.S. and *Weber, A.M. 2008. Response of two Bosmina longirostris morphotypes to the cladoceran predator Leptodora kindti. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 30: 891-8 96.
- McNaught, A.S. and *O’Keefe, D.M. 2005. Natural and anthropogenic sources of nutrient and sediment to a Great Lakes tributary stream. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 29: 997-1004.
- McNaught, A.S., R.L. Kiesling, and A. Ghadouani. 2004. Changes to zooplankton community structure following colonization of a small lake by Leptodorakindti. Limnol. Oceanogr. 49: 1239-49.
- Pavlik, D. and A.S. McNaught. 2002. Avoidance behavior of Daphnia in response to chemicals released by Chaoborus during feeding. Verh. Int. Verein. Limnol. 28: 360-364.
- McNaught, A.S., D.W. Schindler, B.M. Parker, A.J. Paul, R.S. Anderson, D.B. Donald, and M. Agbeti. 1999. The restoration of an alpine lake food web following fish stocking. Limnol. Oceanogr. 44: 127-136. *Graduate student*Graduate student
- B.A., Lawrence University, 1986
- Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1993
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, University of Alberta, 1994-1996
Research Interests
- Zooplankton and Larval Fish Ecology
- Aquatic Food Webs
- Water Quality and Human Disturbance
Current research projects
I am a limnologist and aquatic ecologist. My research interests include food-web interactions -- particularly those involving zooplankton and planktivorous fish -- and nutrient export in watersheds. I have used manipulative experiments (laboratory, in situ mesocosm, and whole-lake) and descriptive studies (comparative, regional, spatially-referenced) to answer questions about the impact of predatory cladocerans, the response of alpine lakes to fish stocking, the biogeography of zooplankton species, the morphological and behavioral response of zooplankton to predatory invertebrates, and the causes of poor larval perch recruitment in Lake Michigan.I have 3 current research projects:
- An examination of nursery habitats for larval fish in the St. Clair and Detroit rivers
- A study of the feeding behavior and diet of the invasive crustacean, Hemimysis anomala
- An investigation into the ecological requirements of wild rice (Zizania aquatica)
Courses Taught
- Introductory Biology
- Ecology
- Limnology
- Biological Statistics