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Lhila, Aparna

Director of MBA Program | Associate​ Professor of Economics



Aparna Lhila is a health economist whose research is focused on studying health investment decisions and health-related behaviors in the household production framework. Particularly, she studies how household decision-making and changes in factors outside the household affect the health of pregnant women and their newborns. Lhila's research is published in journals like DemographyEconomics & Human BiologyHealth Economics, and Social Science & Medicine.

More about Aparna Lhila

  • Amin, Vikesh and Aparna Lhila. 2016 "Decomposing Racial Differences in Adolescent Smoking in the U.S." Economics & Human Biology, 22: 161-176.
  • Lhila, Aparna and Sharon K. Long 2012. "What is Driving the Black-White Difference in Low Birthweight in the U.S.?" Health Economics, 21(3) 301-315.
  • Lhila, Aparna 2011 "Does Access to Fast Food Lead to Super-Sized Pregnant Mothers and Whopper Babies?" Economics and Human Biology, 9(4): 364-380.
  • Lhila, Aparna and Kosali I. Simon. 2010. "Relative Deprivation and Child Health in the USA", Social Science and Medicine, 71(4): 777-85.
  • Lhila, Aparna 2009. "Does Government Provision of Healthcare Explain the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Low Birthweight?" Social Science and Medicine, 69(8): 1236-1245.
  • Lhila, Aparna and Kosali I. Simon. 2008. "Prenatal Health Investment Decisions: Does the Child's Sex Matter?" Demography, 45(4): 885-905

In Progress

  • Crime and Pregnancies: Is Area Crime Related to Infant Health in the U.S.?  (with Vikesh Amin) 
  • Children of the Great Recession: The Impact of the Macroeconomy on Infant Health (with John Cawley and Kosali Simon)

Courses Taught

  • BUS 300: Business Statistics (undergraduate)
  • ECO 618: Seminar in Health Economics (MA)