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Khan, Asif


Program Director
Assistant Professor

More about Asif Khan

Marwaha R, Malhi Narpinder, Shambhavi C, Khan, A, Rajanna, M. (2024). From Training to Practice: Innovative Pathways for International Medical Graduates to Assist with Workforce Shortages Journal of academic Psychiatry.

Shad MU, Onwuameze O, Sioson K, Khan AH, Khalid K, Glick I (2022). Problem-Based Learning in Psychopharmacology. Academic psychiatry : the journal of the American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training and the Association for Academic Psychiatry.
College of Medicine Excellence in Teaching Award
Outstanding Clinical Teaching Award in Psychiatry
United Hospital Fund Volunteer Service Award
Clinical/Research Fellowship, New York University
Fellowship, New York Presbyterian Hospital
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, New York University
Mini-Fellowship, Columbia University
M.D., Khyber Medical University
Residency, St Mary Mercy Hospital
Michigan psychiatric Society
American Association of Directors of Program Residency Training,
American Neuropsychiatric Association
American Society of Clinical Psychopharmacology,
American Psychiatric Association
New York County Psychiatric Society
American Association of Geriatric Psychiatry