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Gibson, Bryan



Bryan Gibson received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Utah in 1991. He taught at Carleton College, Mankato State University, and Trenton State College before moving to Central Michigan University.

More about Bryan Gibson

Gibson, B., Thompson, J., Hou, B. & Bushman, B.J. (in press). Just harmless entertainment? Effects of surveillance reality TV on physical aggression. Psychology of Popular Media Culture.

Yang, G., Gibson, B., Lueke, A., Huesmann, R., & Bushman, B. J. (2014). Effects of avatar race in violent video games on racial attitudes and aggression. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 5, 698-704.​

Gibson, B., Redker, C., & Zimmerman, I. (2014). Conscious and nonconscious effects of product placement: Brand recall and active persuasion knowledge affect brand attitudes and brand-self connection differently. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 3, 19-37.

Redker, C., Gibson, B., & Zimmerman, I. (2013). The effects of background product placement and movie genre on implicit brand attitudes. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 35, 249-255.

Gibson, B. & Zielaskowski, K.  (2013).  Subliminal priming of winning images prompts increased betting in slot machine play.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43, 106-115.

Bushman, B. J., & Gibson, B.  (2011).  Violent video games cause an increase in aggression long after the game has been turned off.  Social Psychological and Personality Science, 2, 29-32.

Zimmerman, I., Redker, C., &  Gibson, B. (2011). The role of Faith in Intuition, Need for Cognition, and method of attitude formation in implicit-explicit brand attitude relationship strength. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 21, 290-301.

Gibson, B., & Poposki, E. (2010). How the adoption of impression management goals alters impression formation. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.

Bushman, B. J., & Gibson, B. (2009). Violent video games cause an increase in aggression long after the game has been turned off. Social Psychological and Personality Science.

Redker, C., & Gibson, B.  (2009).  Music as an unconditioned stimulus: Positive and negative effects of country music on implicit attitudes, explicit attitudes, and product choice.  Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 31, 2689-2705.

Sachau, D., Andrews, L., Gibson, B., &  DeNeui, D.  (2009). Tournament validity: Testing golfer competence.  Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science, 13, 52-69.

Gibson, B. (2008).  Can evaluative conditioning change attitudes toward mature brands?  New evidence from the implicit association test.  Journal of Consumer Research, 35, 178-188.  

Gibson, B., & Oberlander, E.  (2008).  Wanting to appear smart:  Hypercriticism as an indirect impression management strategy.  Self & Identity, 7, 380-392. 

Dr. Gibson is currently involved in a variety of research. One line of research has focused on attitude formation and consistency, examining how exposure to media, evaluative conditioning, and propositional reasoning all contribute to attitude formation. A second line of research has examined various issues in self-presentation (sandbagging, hypercriticism), particularly as it relates to performance. A third line of research addresses various effects of video game play on the gamer.