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White, Carmen


More about Carmen White

Book Chapters:

Carmen M. White. 2007. "Schooling in Fiji." In Going to School in Oceania (The Global School Room book series) eds. C. Campbell and G. Sherrington. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press Pp. 79-132. 

Refereed/Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles:

Carmen M. White. 2015. “Chiefs, Moral Imperatives, and the Specter of Class in Fiji.” Journal of Anthropological Research 71 (2): 169-194.

Carmen M. White. 2015. “Rurality, Urbanity, Indigeneity, and Schooling in Fiji.” International Education 44 (2): 69-85.

Carmen M. White. 2014. “Deficit Thinking Redux: Cultural Deficit Discourse and an Urban Community and School in Fiji.” Social Identities 20 (2-3): 155-170.

Carmen M. White. 2013. “Dynamics of Academic Teasing and Academic Peer Pressure in a Fiji Secondary School. European Journal of Social Sciences 38 (3): 321-336.

Carmen M. White. 2013. “Subjective Difference: Institutional Culture and the Assessment of Fijian Female Academic Achievement.” Ethnography and Education 8 (1): 31-45. 

Carmen M. White. 2010. “Rastafarian Repatriates and the Negotiation of Place in Ghana” Ethnology 49(4): 303-320.

Carmen M. White. 2007. "Living in Zion: Rastafarian Repatriates in Ghana, West Africa." Journal of Black Studies 37 (5): 677-709. 

Carmen M. White. 2007.  "More Authentic Than Thou:  Authenticity and Othering in Fiji Tourism Discourse." Tourist Studies 7(1): 25-49.

Carmen M. White and Mensah Adinkrah.  2007. "'Mythical Realities':  College Students Construction of the South Pacific." College Student Journal 41 (1):99-111.

Carmen M. White.  2006. "Moving Up the Ranks: Chiefly Status, Prestige and Schooling in Colonial Fiji." History of Education Quarterly 46(4): 532-570.

Carmen M. White.  2005. "Tourism as an Ethnic Landscape and the Landscape of Ethnic Tourism: The Case of Fiji," Race, Gender and Class: An Interdisciplinary and Multicultural Journal. 12(3-4): 155-175.

Carmen M. White.  2005. "Fijian Males at the Crossroads of Gender and Ethnicity in a Fiji Secondary School." Ethnology 44(4): 313-336.

Carmen M. White.  2003. "Historicizing Educational Disparity:  Colonial Policy and Fijian Educational Attainment." History of Education 32(4):345-365.

Carmen M. White.  2003. "To Share is to Care: The Dynamics of Academic Sharing in Peer Groups in a South Pacific Island School." International Education 32(2):27-39.

Carmen M. White.  2002. "Language, Authenticity and Identity:  Indigenous Fijian Students and Language Use in the Schools." Language, Culture and Curriculum 15(1):16-29.

Carmen M. White.  2002. "Minority Status as a Contested Terrain: Defining the Parameters of Subordinate Status in Post-independent Fiji Discourse." Social Identities 8(1):11-43.

Carmen M. White.  2001. "Affirmative Action and Education in Fiji: Legitimation, Contestation, and Colonial Discourse." Harvard Educational Review 71(2): 240-268. 

Carmen M. White.  2001. "Between Academic Theory and Folk Wisdom: Local Discourse on Differential Educational Attainment in Fiji." Comparative Education Review 45(3): 303-333.

Carmen M. White.  2001. "Legitimation and Contestation of Affirmative Action Policies in Fiji: The Invocation of Colonial Discourse." International Journal of Educational Policy, Research and Practice 2(1): 1-26.

Carmen M. White.  1989. "As Soon As They Fire One Of Us, They Hire One O' Them':  Ethnic Succession in A St. Louis Sweatshop." City and Society 3(2):132-141.

Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis, 1997

M.A., Washington University, St. Louis, 1991

B.A., Washington University, St. Louis, 1987

Educational Anthropology

Comparative Inequality

Comparative Education

Political Anthropology

Colonialism and Neo-colonialism

Intersections of Race, Ethnicity, Gender and Class

African Diaspora

Oceanic Societies