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Waldron, Chad

Marie Berrell Endowed Professor of Literacy; Associate Professor- Department of Teacher and Special Education; Director- The Literacy Center



Dr. Chad H. Waldron is the Marie Berrell Endowed Professor of Literacy and Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Professional Development in the College of Education and Human Services at Central Michigan University in Mount Pleasant, Michigan. Previously, he was an Associate Professor of Education, Literacy, for six years at the University of Michigan-Flint, Flint, Michigan, and he spent two years as an Assistant Professor of Language and Literacy Studies at Penn State Behrend, Erie, Pennsylvania

His teaching experiences span from early childhood settings to advanced graduate level coursework within higher education. Dr. Waldron has delivered extensive professional development at local, state, and national levels.

More about Chad Waldron

Waldron, C.H. (2022). More than contaminated water: Flint, Michigan’s community-wide efforts for literacy. In L.A. Henry & N.A. Stahl (Eds.), A field guide to community literacy: Case studies and tools for praxis, evaluation, and research (pp. 131-142). Routledge.

McClain, N.B. & Waldron, C.H. (2022). Reimagining, developing, and monitoring professional dispositions in educator preparation programs: Creating a culture of educator professionalism. In S. Clemm von Hohenberg (Ed.), Dispositional development and assessment in teacher preparation programs. IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684- 4089-6.ch012.

Waldron, C.H. (2021). Policies, practices, people, and places: How elementary preservice teachers learned literacy teaching. Michigan Reading Journal, 53(3), pp. 22-29.

Ph.D. Curriculum, Instruction, and Teacher Education- Language and Literacy Specialization, 2014, Michigan State University;

Master of Education- Reading Education (Reading Specialist), 2008, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania;

Dual Bachelor of Science in Education, Elementary Education/Early Childhood Education, 2006, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Waldron's research focuses predominately on (a) young children's literacy development across a variety of learning environments, (b) the professional learning and growth of teachers in literacy instruction, from pre-service preparation to in-service teaching, and (c) the impacts of community-driven literacy interventions in shaping family and school literacy practices, particularly Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library.
  • Literacy Research Association (LRA) (also Co-Committee Chair of Gender and Sexuality Committee for LRA)
  • Association for Literacy Educators and Researchers (ALER)
  • International Literacy Association (ILA)
  • American Educational Research Association (AERA)
  • Michigan Reading Association (MRA)

Courses Taught

EDU 342- Word Study and Fluency, PK-3

EDU 533- Diagnosis and Treatment of Reading Difficulties

EDU 630- Organization and Implementation of School Literacy Programs