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Demirer, Goksel




Dr. Goksel N. Demirer received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from the Department of Environmental Engineering at Middle East Technical University (METU) and his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Vanderbilt University. He worked in the Department of Environmental Engineering at METU as a faculty member between 1997-2018 before he joined CMU.
He has 109 peer-reviewed journal publications, 151 conference proceeding publications, 8 book and book chapters, over 4,000 citations recorded in the Science Citation Index. His h-index is 35. He has been the primary investigator of 15 and co-primary investigator or researcher of 12 research projects. He is currently the PI of the project "Pollution Prevention Technical Assistance and Training to Automotive Manufacturing Facilities Located in Underserved Communities in Central Michigan" funded by the USEPA. Moreover, he has been the principal supervisor of 32 and co-advisor of 5 M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses.
He also has extensive consulting experience with government, private companies as well as international organizations such as United Nations Development Program, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, World Bank-International Finance Corporation, World Wildlife Fund, etc.

More about Goksel Demirer

  • Mortezaei Y., Gaballah M.S., Demirer G.N., Lammers R.W., and Williams M.R., 2025. From wastewater to sludge: The role of microplastics in shaping anaerobic digestion performance and antibiotic resistance gene dynamics, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. 489, 137413,  
  • Mortezaei Y., Demirer G.N., Williams M.R., 2025. Different combinations of operating temperature and solids retention time during two-phase anaerobic digestion impacts the removal of antibiotic resistance genes, Bioresource Technology, 418, 131944,
  • Mortezaei Y., Demirer G.N., Williams M.R., 2024. Fate of intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in sewage sludge by full-scale anaerobic digestion, Science of The Total Environment, Vol. 951, 175760,
  • Alimohammadi M. and Demirer G.N., 2024. Microplastics in anaerobic digestion: occurrence, impact, and mitigation strategies, Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering,
  • Mortezaei Y., Williams M.R., and Demirer G.N., 2023. The fate of antibiotic resistance genes during anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge with ultrasonic pretreatment, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
  • Mortezaei Y., Williams M.R., and Demirer G.N., 2023. Effect of temperature and solids retention time on the removal of antibiotic resistance genes during anaerobic digestion of sludge, Bioresource Technology Reports 21 (2023) 101377;
  • Alimohammadi M. and Demirer G.N., 2023. Petroleum coke supplementation for enhanced biogas production and phosphate removal under mesophilic conditions, Biotechnology Progress, 2023;e3385,
  • Limonti C., Curcio G.M., Siciliano A., Pera A.L., Demirer G.N., 2023. Kinetic study of anaerobic digestion of compost leachate from organic fraction of municipal solid waste, Fermentation, 9(3):297.
  • Alimohammadi M. and Demirer G.N., 2022. Upgrading Anaerobic Sludge Digestion by Using an Oil Refinery By-Product, Sustainability 14(23), 15693;
  • Akturk A.S., Demirer G.N., 2022. Petroleum coke supplementation improves biogas production from food waste at a level comparable to commercial carbon-based conductive materials, BioEnergy Research, BioEnergy Research,
  • Claes A., Melchi L., Uludag-Demirer S. and Demirer G.N., 2021. Supplementation of carbon-based conductive materials and trace metals to improve biogas production from apple pomace, Sustainability, 13(17), 9488;
  • Uludag-Demirer S. and Demirer G.N., 2021. Post-anaerobic treatability and residual biogas potential of digestate, Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, DOI: 10.1007/s13399-021-01290-7.
  • Plude S. And Demirer, G.N., 2020. Valorization of hazardous algal blooms and food waste as bio-methane,  Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 2020;e13561,
  • Akturk A.S., Demirer G.N., 2020. Improved food waste stabilization and valorization by anaerobic digestion through supplementation of conductive materials and trace elements, Sustainability, 12, 5222; doi:10.3390/su12125222.
  • Ülgüdür N., Ergüder T.H., Uludağ-Demirer S., Demirer G.N., 2019. High-rate anaerobic treatment of digestate using fixed film reactors, Environmental Pollution, 252, 1622-1632,  
  • Ülgüdür N., Ergüder T.H., Demirer G.N., 2019. Simultaneous dissolution and uptake of nutrients in microalgal treatment of the secondarily treated digestate, Algal Research,  43, 101633,
  • Gür E. and Demirer G.N., 2019. Anaerobic digestibility and biogas production capacity of pistachio processing wastewater in UASB reactors, ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, 145(8): 04019042.
  • Ulgudur N. and Demirer G.N., 2019. Anaerobic treatability and residual biogas potential of the effluent stream of anaerobic digestion, Water Environment Research, Vol. 91, No:3, 259–268.
  • Calicioglu O. and Demirer G.N., 2019. Carbon-to-nitrogen and substrate-to-inoculum ratio adjustments can improve co-digestion performance of microalgal biomass obtained from domestic wastewater treatment, Environmental Technology, Vol. 40, No: 5, 614–624.
  • Çaylı D., Uludag-Demirer S., and Demirer G.N., 2018. Coupled nutrient removal from the wastewater and CO2 biofixation from the flue gas of iron and steel manufacturing, Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 16, No. 2, 148–161.
  • Ramírez-Arpide F.R., Demirer G.N., Gallegos-Vázquez C., Hernández-Eugenio G., Santoyo-Cortés V.H., Espinosa-Solares T., 2018, Life cycle assessment of biogas production through anaerobic co-digestion of nopal cladodes and dairy cow manure, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 172, 2313-2322.
  • Ph.D., Civil and Environmental Engineering, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, 1996
  • M.Sc., Environmental Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 1991
  • B.Sc., Environmental Engineering, MIddle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 1989
  • Anaerobic Environmental Biotechnology
  • Bioremediation of PFAS and chlorinated contaminants
  • Wastewater Engineering
  • Waste Valorization
  • Resource Efficiency and Sustainability
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Industrial Ecology

Courses Taught

  • Biological Processes in Environmental Engineering
  • Senior Design
  • Sustainability and Green Technology
  • Introduction to Engineering
  • Introduction to Environmental Engineering
  • Sustainable Engineering
  • Environmental Microbiology for Engineers
  • Pollution Prevention
  • Anaerobic Treatment of Wastes
  • Wastewater Engineering Design
  • Environmental Engineering Processes