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Sauer, Jody



Dr. Sauer teaches course in Political Science and Sociology.


More about Jody Sauer

Sauer, Jody.  “Gender Equity Movement in Sports: A Content Analysis of the Women’s Sports Foundation Archives and Newsletters.”  Presented March 11, 2011, at the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Women’s Studies Section on the campus of Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw, MI.

Sauer, Jody.  “Expectations Depicted of Women on the Covers of OK! Magazine: Become a Mother, Be Good at it and Look Good While Doing It.”  Presented April 2010 at the Midwestern Sociological Society/North Central Sociological Association Annual Meetings in Chicago, IL.

Wayne State University, Ph.D. in Sociology, 2016

  • Dissertation Title: “Navigating the Transition into Motherhood: Women’s Experience of Control, Emotions and Social Ideals” (autoethnography, interviews and survey research)

Eastern Michigan University, M.A. in Sociology, 2006

  • Thesis Title: “Women’s Long-Distance Running: Body Image, Weight and Eating Disorders” (focus groups and survey research)

Lake Superior State University, B.A. in Sociology, 2004

  • Senior Thesis Title: “Self-Esteem: College Athletes, Former Athletes, and Never-Athletes” (survey research)

Social Inequalities (Race, Class, Sexuality, Gender)

Women's Health




Mixed Methods - Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods 

Courses Taught

PSC 280

SOC 100, 200, 220, 221, 323