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Delucia, Joellen

Professor of English



JoEllen DeLucia received her Ph.D. in English from Indiana University in 2007. At CMU, she teaches a range of courses, from introductory gender studies and writing courses to advanced courses on British literature and women's writing.

Her book A Feminine Enlightenment: British Women Writers and the Philosophy of Progress​ (Edinburgh University Press, 2015) argues that women writers shaped conversations regarding the role of sentiment and gender in Enlightenment narratives of imperial development. Building on her interest in global approaches to literature, she has co-edited an essay collection entitled Migration and Modernities: the State of Being Stateless, 1750-1850 (Edinburgh University Press, 2019). Portions of her current research project on George Robinson's media network and Romantic-era literature have appeared in European Romantic ReviewWomen's Writing, and Jennie Batchelor and Manushag Powell's Women's Magazines and Print Culture 1690-1820s.

More about Joellen Delucia


A Feminine Enlightenment: British Women Writers and the Philosophy of Progress,​ 1759-1820. Edinburgh University Press, 2015. 

Co-Edited Collection

Migration and Modernities: the State of Being Stateless, 1750-1800 Edinburgh UP, 2019. (with Juliet Shields)

Peer-Reviewed Articles

"The Haunts of the Banditti: Transnationalism and Mediation in George Robinson's Publishing Network." European Romantic Review, 30.1 (2019): 43-61.

"Radcliffe, George Robinson, and Eighteenth-Century Print Culture: Beyond the Circulating Library." Women's Writing, 22.3 (2015): 287-299.

"From the Female Gothic to a Feminist Theory of History: Ann Radcliffe and the Scottish Enlightenment." The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation, 50.1 (2009): 101-115

"'Far Other Times Are These': The Bluestockings in the Time of Ossian." Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, 27.1 (Spring 2008): 39-62.​

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

"Transnational Aesthetics in Ann Radcliffe's A Journey Made in the Summer of 1794, Through Holland and the Western Frontier of Germany […] (1795)." In Ann Radcliffe: Gothic and Romantic Engagements, 1789-1826, Dale Townsend and Angela Wright, eds. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 135-150. 

“A Delicate Debate: Mary Wollstonecraft, the Bluestockings, and the Progress of Women.” In Eds., Michael J. Meyer and Enit K. Steiner, Dialogues on Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, (forthcoming, New York and Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2013).

“Local Poetry in the Midlands: Francis Mundy’s Needwood Forest and Anna Seward’s Lichfield  Poems.” In Eds. Evan Gottlieb and Juliet Shields, Representing Place in British Literature and Culture, 1660-1830, (UK: Ashgate, 2013).