Goffnett, Sean
Professor, Logistics Management & Marketing
More about Sean Goffnett
Publications & Presentations
Refereed Journal Publications
1. Williams, Z., Leug, J., Hancock, T., Goffnett, S. P. (2019). Positioning through B2B carrier signals: Understanding how service quality is communicated through websites. Industrial Marketing Management
2. Garver, M., Goffnett, S. P., Divine, R., Williams, Z., Davis, C. (2019). Analysis of job preferences of undergraduate supply chain students, Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal. http://www.journal.oscm-forum.org/journal/forthcoming/
3. Goffnett, S. P., Paquet, A. N., Strong, O., McCarron, K. (2019). Replication of a six sigma black belt case study: GEP Box's paper helicopter experiment in a drone logistics scenario, International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management.
4. Goffnett. S. P. (2018). Transformational leadership and environmental commitment in supply chain relationships: The mediating effect of perceived fairness. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management.
5. Garver, M., Divine, R., Williams, Z., Goffnett, S. P., Davis, C. (2018). Early career job choice in logistics: Comparing shifts in attribute importance between internship and full-time roles, Journal of Transportation Management.
6. Goffnett, S. P., Williams, Z. (2018). The path between supply chain efficacy and performance: Testing a secure route, International Journal of Logistics Research & Applications. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/cjol20/current
7. Bennett, M. M., Goffnett, S. P. (2018). Generation talent: Revealing the best at any age. Distribution Business Management Journal, 21(1), 54-57.
8. Goffnett, S. P. (2017). Leadership, goal acceptance and QMS conformance readiness: Exploring the mediating effects of audit team cohesion. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence.
9. Goffnett, S. P., Williams, Z., Gibson, B., Garver, M. (2017). Identifying critical skills for logistics professionals: Assessing skill importance, capability, and availability, Journal of Transportation Management, 27(1), 45-61.
10. Goffnett, S. P., Gibson, B., Williams, Z., Spieles, M. (2017). Talent supply and demand: More than an economics problem in logistics, Distribution Business Management Journal, 20(1), 20-22.
11. Goffnett, S. P. (2016). Exploring procedural justice as a predictor of satisfaction and performance in supply chain relationships. International Journal of Supply Chain and Operations Resilience, 2(4), 315-344.
12. Garver, M., Williams, Z., Goffnett, S. P., Gibson, B. (2016). Parcel shipping: Understanding the needs of business shippers. Journal of Transportation Management, 26(2), 29-46.
13. Goffnett, S. P., Goswami, A. (2016). Supply chain transformational leadership, supply chain innovation performance, and satisfaction with relationships and results: Moderating role of supply chain innovativeness. International Journal of Logistics Systems & Management, 24(3), 356-382.
14. Goffnett, S. P., Hayes, R. B., Lepisto, L. R. (2016) Using the socio-economic approach to management to augment lean six sigma. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 65(1), 80-97.
15. Goffnett, S. P. (2015). Putting it all on the table: Extending stakeholder analysis to communicate a plan for action. Quality Progress, 48(1), 64.
16. Buschlen, E. L., Warner, C., Goffnett, S. P. (2015). Leadership education and service: Exploring transformational learning following a tornado. Journal of Leadership Education, 14(1), 33-54.
17. Goffnett, S. P. (2014). Steer your career: employee work plans feed into organizational success. Quality Progress, 47(1), 64-65.
18. Buschlen, E. L., Goffnett, S. P. (2013). The emerging role of higher education in educating and assessing future leaders for disaster relief. Journal of Leadership Studies, 7(3), 66-73.
19. Hayes, R. B., Lepisto, L. R., Goffnett, S. P. (2013). Process improvement and organizational development: The synergies between six sigma and SEAM. Management Sciences (Recherches en Sciences de Gestion), 99.
20. Goffnett, S. P., Helferich, O. K., Buschlen, E. L. (2013). Integrating service-learning and humanitarian logistics education. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 3(2), 161-186.
21. Hoyle, J. A., Goffnett, S. P. (2013). A stakeholder framework for designing and directing effective marketing internships. Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education, 21(1), 1-15.
22. Goffnett, S. P., Divine, R. L., Williams, Z. S., Cook, R. L. (2013). Understanding the impact of extrinsic and intrinsic SCM career choice factors on career satisfaction. Journal of Operations & Supply Chain Management, 6(1), 122-138.
23. Williams, Z., Leug, J., Goffnett, S. P., Lemay, S., Cook, R. L. (2012). Understanding Supply Chain Security Strategy. Journal of Transportation Management, 23(1), 7-26.
24. Love, K. G., Goffnett, S. P. (2012). Upper- and Lower-Level Business Courses and Adult Learning Theory: Application-Exercises in HRM, SCM, Marketing, and Finance. Journal of Human Resources Education, 6(1), 21-52.
25. Goffnett, S. P., Helferich, O. K., Cook, R. L. (2012). Applying lean six sigma in humanitarian logistics: Evidence from real and hypothetical cases. Distribution Business Management Journal, 14, 52-57.
26. Goffnett, S. P., Williams, Z. S., Cook, R. L., Gibson, B. J. (2012). Understanding satisfaction with supply chain management careers: An exploratory study. International Journal of Logistics Management, 23(1), 135-158.
27. Love, K. G., Goffnett, S. P., Wetzel, A. (2012). Group Differences in Work Sample Ratings of Manufacturing Applicants: Exploring Group Gender Composition Biases. Leadership & Organizational Management Journal, 4.
28. Palaniswami, S., Jenicke, L. O., Kang, H., Okonkwo, P. A., Goffnett, S. P. (2011). The role of UN Environmental Programme and the US Environmental Protection Agency in global supply chain networks performance. International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, 10(1), 53-69.
29. Goffnett, S. P., Jenicke, L. O., Kang, H., Palaniswami, S. (2011). The roles of ISO 14001, research institutions and professional organisations in environmental performance. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 8(4), 416-432.
30. Goffnett, S. P. (2004). Understanding six sigma: implications for industry and education. Journal of Industrial Technology, 20(4), 2-10.
Editorial Reviewed & Other Publications
31. Gibson, B. J., Goffnett, S. P., and Williams, Z. (2015 July/August). Navigating to the top: Climbing the mountain, Supply Chain Management Review. 4, 28-34.
32. Gibson, B., Williams, Z., Goffnett, S. P., Cook, R. L. (2015). Creating an SCM "dynasty": How to build your team like the pros. CSCMP Supply Chain Quarterly. 1, 38-44.
33. Gibson, B. J., Cook, R. L., Williams, Z., Goffnett, S. P. (2014), Talent: An essential supply chain resource, CSCMP Hot Topics, 1-6.
34. Goffnett, S. P. (2009, Spring). Critical factors in managing a comprehensive quality management system. Automotive Excellence. Milwaukee: The American Society for Quality.
Other Peer-Reviewed Research Papers and Reports
35. Gibson, B., Williams, Z., Goffnett, S. P., Cook, R. L. (Summer 2013). SCM talent development: The acquire process (pp. 1-36). Lombard, IL: Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP).
36. Gibson, B., Williams, Z., Goffnett, S. P., Cook, R. L. (Fall 2013). SCM talent development: The develop process (pp. 1-40). Lombard, IL: CSCMP.
37. Gibson, B., Williams, Z., Goffnett, S. P., Cook, R. L. (Winter 2013). SCM talent development: The advance process (pp. 1-40). Lombard, IL: CSCMP.
Doctoral Dissertation
38. Goffnett, S. (2007). High performance quality management systems and work-related outcomes: exploring the role of audit readiness and documented procedures effectiveness. Dissertation Abstracts International.
Refereed Proceedings Publications
39. Goffnett, S. P., Divine, R., and Cook, R. L. (2012, November). Perceived Importance of Extrinsic and Intrinsic Career Factors and Predicting SCM Career Satisfaction, In the SMA (Society for Marketing Advancement) Conference Proceedings Papers 2012, pp. 270-271, Annual National Conference, "Leading the Way…Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow", Orlando, FL.
40. Goffnett, S. P., Paquet, A., and Strong, O. (2011, November). Evaluating Face-to-Face Industry Training for Online Delivery: An Action Research Collaboration and Learning Transformation. In the ATMAE (Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering) Conference Proceedings Papers 2011, Annual National Conference, "Rethinking the Future", Cleveland, OH.
**Best Paper Award Finalist**
Credentials, Certifications & Awards
Work Experience Prior to CMU
- Ferris State University [Professor of Industrial Management]
- United Parcel Service [UPS] [Package Handling & Delivery]
- Regional Steel Distribution Center [RSDC] [Operations Support] (Tier 1 Auto Supplier)
- Johnson Controls, Inc. [Engineer] (Tier 1 Auto Supplier)
- The Delfield Company [Engineer]
- Mitsuba Corporation [Line Leader] (Tier 1 Auto Supplier)
- PhD with a concentration in Quality Management, Eastern Michigan University
- Master Certificate in Supply Chain Management & Logistics, Eastern Michigan University
- Master of Human Resources and Labor Relations (HRLR), Michigan State University
- Master of Science in Engineering Management, Western Michigan University
- Bachelor of Science in Plastics Engineering, Ferris State University
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology, Central Michigan University
Courses Taught
- Logistics Operations (MKT 431) [Primary]
- Introduction to Logistics and Physical Distribution (MKT 255) [Primary]
- Marketing Channels (MKT 330)
- Integrated Marketing Management (MKT 304)
- Lean Logistics Operations (MKT 631)
- Integrated Supply Chain Management (MKT 303)
- Business Process Improvement / Lean Six Sigma (BUS 503 / MKT 597)
- Effective Management of Human Resources in Organizations (MGT 258)
- Introduction to Management (MGT 312)
- Human Resource Management (MGT 320)
- Compensation Administration (MGT 445)
- Applied Business Statistics (BUS 300)